Why not pull former teachers from district offices as a solution to teacher shortage?

Melissa Melvin-Rodriguez/mrodriguez@charlotteobserver.com

Pull from district offices

The teacher shortage in our nation has gone on far too long and it is hurting the quality of our children’s education and the eventual quality of our workforce.

I have heard of some schools requiring their principals and assistant principals to teach classes while trying to continue to perform their already overburdened administrative duties. I have also heard about hiring college students and unqualified adults to step in. This is unacceptable.

I suggest school districts trim the size of their district office administration personnel by pulling the former teachers they have and putting them back into the classroom where they are desperately needed.

Now, if that sounds like a demotion, then we need to talk about this nation’s need to give classroom teachers the salary, respect and dignity they deserve.

We can have that discussion next, but, for now, use the qualified educators already present in the district offices to fill the void and replace them with people outside of education.

Jeanette Payton, M.A., Blythewood

Let voters speak

Most Americans do not want all abortions to be banned. Poll after poll reflects that, as 60-70% prefer a woman’s right to choose with some limited restrictions.

Republican legislatures all over the country are in a mad rush to implement total bans with few or no exceptions. South Carolina is one of them.

The people of red state Kansas have just shown that almost 60% of their voters do not want the legislature deciding the abortion issue.

At the very least, South Carolina should also have a referendum so that every voter has an opportunity to send a message.

South Carolina may indeed vote pro-life, but at least the public would be heard.

Jack Holt, Hartsville

Stop the fumes

I am retired and hike pretty much every morning along our 3 Rivers Walkways.

I love the lighted pathways at Saluda Riverwalk, West Columbia Riverwalk and Cayce’s Riverwalk.

They are well maintained and our local park rangers do a wonderful job; however, all the maintenance carts are gas powered. During my hikes, I often find myself stopping to let gas-powered carts get ahead so I don’t breathe in the gas fumes.

In this age of too much carbon dioxide accelerating the greenhouse effect, why not upgrade to battery powered rechargeable carts? Or take it a step further and make them solar powered?

We all could breathe easier as our park rangers do their jobs.

Chip Slaughter, Columbia

Improve city entrance

I am a resident of Canalside. I drive by a nearby empty lot every day and have been excited to see it finally get redeveloped.

I would like to address another letter to the editor about this where the writer says that the site is surrounded by historic buildings, which is not true. It’s next to a McDonald’s, two empty lots, and finally, the town homes where the writer resides, according to her letter.

Secondly, the letter says the hotel doesn’t meet design requirements, but as the latest DDRC hearing will show, it largely does meet these requirements.

Lastly, are we really going to call the stretch between Huger and the river “historic”? There are barely any buildings on the river side of that street.

I think we should use this area of town to showcase new designs. Just like how the town homes don’t fit into the Vista design, the hotel doesn’t need to either.

I hope to see the hotel go forward to make a big impact on that entrance to the city.

David Johnson, Columbia
