Why in heaven is Fort Worth Bishop Michael Olson going after a nun in a wheelchair? | Opinion

Bishop Olson’s persecution

What possible good does Fort Worth Catholic Diocese Bishop Michael Olson imagine can come from his blowing up the Carmelite nuns in Arlington over some unvalidated report? (June 1, 1A, “Pope gives Fort Worth bishop authority to investigate nun”)

Whose spiritual life will be improved by his publicly announcing that the elected reverend mother allegedly had an affair with an unnamed priest from another diocese? What is the reason for the bishop’s reluctance to name the priest when he has had no reluctance about accusing Mother Superior Teresa Agnes Gerlach of adultery — which is hard to fathom since she is in a wheelchair, on a feeding tube and totally dependent on others for her survival.

There is no campaign of hate being waged against the bishop by the nuns. However, a huge number of Catholic lay people in the diocese wish the bishop would end his barrage on the Carmelites and let these holy women return to their lives of prayer and good counsel.

- Sarah R. Voelker, Fort Worth

Challenging church power

I was raised a devout Catholic. I understand the pecking order. The men are in positions of power, and the women serve. But what do you do when a wolf in sheep’s clothing rises to a position of power within a religious organization?

If you’re the sisters of Mount Carmel, you fight back. But it’s not easy. Money, power and perversion runs rampant in the Catholic Church. The sisters have caused such a ruckus that the pope himself has stated that Bishop Michael Olson has authority over the sisters.

Let’s unpack what this means: The nuns have accused Olson of violating both civil and canon law during his investigation of the reverend mother’s alleged affair with a priest. They appealed to the highest authority and were turned back to Olson.

It seems the eyes of the church are selective, but God sees everything.

- Annette Swital, Fort Worth

Regular golf fans priced out

Mac Engel nailed it: Charles Schwab ruined the Colonial Country Club golf tournament. (May 29, 1A, “Despite thrilling finale, Charles Schwab Challenge needs a jolt”) I do not buy the company’s excuse that this “is the same path forged by nearly all major sporting events,” as Engel put it, so I took all my savings and retirement investments out of the company.

My wife, a judge, and I, a lawyer, have been going to Colonial most of our careers. It was like a mini-bar convention over the last 30 years, until Schwab took over. Many law firms sponsored boxes in the past, but now it’s the ultra-wealthy and their bartenders.

I hope that Colonial aims, as Engel said, for the fairway of our community and makes this a well-attended, not-so-moneyed and exclusive event. If we can just get rid of Schwab and find a Fort Worth company to sponsor Colonial, we’ll put the event back on course.

- Chuck Noteboom, Fort Worth

Fixes for property taxes, schools

The Texas House and Senate cannot agree how to give taxpayers their money back. I have a better solution: Cap the actual amount paid in property taxes at 5% over last year’s tax bill. For homeowners 65 and older, lock in the tax bill. Simple.

Increased homestead exemptions and caps on appraised values are good, but they can be circumvented by raising tax rates. It is part of a shell game that politicians have been playing with us for years.

Another part of the solution is to give parents vouchers so they can pick their children’s schools. This would improve schools and make them more efficient. Lose mandates that cause schools to hire more administrators. It would be amazing to see the smiles on the faces of teachers who care.

- Frank M. Wagnon, Southlake

Lost our sense on our gun laws

It seems like every time I watch the news, it’s about a mass shooting somewhere in America. We know the issue and we know how to fix it. It’s a topic we visit every week, but we take no action.

There is absolutely no reason I have to wait until I’m 21 to rent a car but I can buy a rifle on my 18th birthday. We need more reasonable gun control.

- Yordanos Mosazghi, Garland

AI robs you of thought

I visited a good friend and colleague who is a fellow English professor, and he gave me some disturbing news about his students. If you’re going to college to get your degree, stop using artificial intelligence to write your essays and term papers. AI doesn’t do anything but take away your critical thinking skills and ability to think for yourself.

Yes, I understand using spellcheck and other tools to check for errors, but to write a paper and not put one ounce of thought into it makes you the laziest dummy on the planet with a college diploma that isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. You are better than that.

- Darrell Bartell, Fort Worth
