Who's on the ballot? Meet the candidates running in the El Paso 2024 primary election

The El Paso Times is here to provide all you need to know about the primary election leading up to Election Day on March 5, when you can cast your ballot.

We sent questionnaires to candidates in contested races. The following are the answers submitted by the candidates.

Click the candidate’s last name to reveal more answers from their questionnaire.

When is early voting in Texas?

Early voting runs from Tuesday, Feb. 20 to Friday, March 1.

El Paso County District Attorney: James Montoya, Alma Trejo, Nancy Casa

Why are you the best candidate for this office?

Montoya: I am the best candidate because I am the only candidate that (1) fundamentally understands the needs and problems of the DA’s Office right now and (2) has the experience, team, and plan necessary to solve it. In two short years, Ms. Rosales caused significant institutional harm not only to the DA’s Office, but our entire local criminal justice system. I have grave concerns that another four years of another district attorney who does not understand the gravity of the situation or the monumentality of the responsibility will cause that damage to become irreparable. We only have so much time to turn things around before it becomes the permanent state of being. I not only understand the challenge ahead, but I am ready to make the long-term commitment to fix it.

James Montoya candidate for El Paso County District Attorney.
James Montoya candidate for El Paso County District Attorney.

Trejo:I have vast trial experience as well as managerial experience. I can make decisions on day one. I have experience with budgets, employee matters, best practices and collaboration with others. I am a problem solver who focuses on solving the issue not playing the blame game.

I am the only candidate in the democratic primary with death penalty experience.

My main motivation for running for this position is to make El Paso safe for my daughter, nieces and for all our families. I have the skill set required to lead and transform the DA’s office with 170 employees and a $20 million budget.

Alma Trejo candidate for El Paso County District Attorney.
Alma Trejo candidate for El Paso County District Attorney.

Casas: I am the most experienced candidate and I already have experience with local law enforcementas a former trainer of officers and attorneys internationally and locally. I bring 24 years oflitigation experience, 23 years of being an attorney, 21 years as a prosecutor. I bring a broadrange of prosecutorial experience. I have served in different prosecutorial roles: courtroomline attorney, grand jury attorney, intake attorney, Jail Magistrate attorney, specialty prosecutor,subject matter expert in drug prosecution and investigation, administrator, and trainer. Born andraised in El Paso, Texas, I have a deep commitment to improve the safety of our community. Ihave been a board member for Las Americas Immigrant and Advocacy Center, Boys and GirlsClub, and Jewish Federation, and Rotary Club. I am currently a board member for SalvationArmy and for Young Women’s Leadership Network. I am an active member of the Lions Club,Rotary Club, Lulac #9, Texas Master Naturalist.

Nancy Casas candidate for El Paso County District Attorney.
Nancy Casas candidate for El Paso County District Attorney.

El Paso County Sheriff: Raul Mendiola, Robert Flores, Ryan Urrutia, Oscar Ugarte, Michael P. Gonzales, Minerva Torres Shelton

What motivated you to run for sheriff of El Paso County?

Mendiola: Did not submit questionnaire from El Paso Times.

Flores: I have dedicated my entire adult life to the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office. I have progressed through the organizational ranks and developed my leadership and skillset to provide the community with an experienced, qualified Sheriff. I did not retire last year to stop serving my community, I retired for an opportunity to continue serving our citizens in a higher capacity.

Robert "Bobby" Flores candidate for El Paso County Sheriff.
Robert "Bobby" Flores candidate for El Paso County Sheriff.

Urrutia: I am running for Sheriff of El Paso County, TX, driven by a deep commitment to community service and a vision for progressive law enforcement. Having actively engaged in various community service initiatives, I understand the diverse needs of our neighborhoods. My goal is to continue to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community by establishing a responsive and inclusive community policing system. I believe in a sheriff's office that listens to the wants and needs of the community, fostering trust and collaboration. Through community policing strategies, I aim to prioritize crime prevention, emphasizing empathy, and addressing root causes. By implementing progressive policies and maintaining an open dialogue, I envision a sheriff's office that not only upholds the law but actively contributes to the well-being and safety of the community it serves.

Ryan Urrutia candidate for El Paso County Sheriff.
Ryan Urrutia candidate for El Paso County Sheriff.

Ugarte: I believe it is time for a new generation of leadership with fresh perspectives for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office. I have been working in law enforcement for over 20 years and have a great understanding of the complexities of the job.

My focus is on making sure taxpayer resources are efficiently used and on addressing mental health in policing. I am dedicated to the safety and well-being of the people of El Paso and will use my experience to ensure that justice is served.

Oscar Ugarte, an El Paso County constable, is running in the 2024 election for El Paso County sheriff.
Oscar Ugarte, an El Paso County constable, is running in the 2024 election for El Paso County sheriff.

Gonzales: It is time to bring back Leo Samaniego’s values and integrity to the Sheriff’s Office where the people we serve are the most important aspect of what we do as an Agency. I want to make El Paso County one of the Safest Cities again. I want to work with County Officials and make the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office one of the top Agencies in the State of Texas through “Honor and Strength”. I want other Agencies to come to us and ask how did you make all these programs successful without going into the tax payers pockets. It is time to have a Sheriff who is going to lead through Self Sacrifice and be a Servant to those who elected me into Office.

Michael P. Gonzales candidate for El Paso County Sheriff.
Michael P. Gonzales candidate for El Paso County Sheriff.

Shelton: I’m running for sheriff of El Paso County with a steadfast commitment to transparency and accountability in law enforcement. The sheriff must represent the people’s interests without interference from external sources, including elected officials endorsing candidates. My conviction for justice stems from a personal experience when, years ago, my father was wrongfully convicted in a civil court, sparking a lifelong commitment to justice. I believe in equal treatment under the law, regardless of status. Currently, there is no transparency and accountability. For example, in June 2022, KTSM reported alarming statistics: between 2020 and 2022, while in custody, nine deaths were reported as suicides and four as drug overdoses. These deaths were caused by overdoses in a secured facility and suicides that proper policies and procedures could prevent. This underscores a pressing need for action and accountability.

Despite these troubling numbers, there has been a notable absence of explanations regarding measures to prevent future tragedies. This lack of transparency is unacceptable. After the latest death of an inmate, the sheriff was silent on the matter until he was seen at another candidate’s signing. Drawing from my personal experience and a dedication to justice, I am determined to address these issues head-on. I aim to earn the community’s trust by implementing proactive strategies to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals under our care. For far too long, the same people have determined who our leaders should be by endorsements or actively campaigning for them. It is time that the community decide for themselves who should represent them, and that is why I am running as the People’s Sheriff and seek the endorsement of the people rather than the politicians who have always controlled our community.

Minerva Torres Shelton candidate for El Paso County Sheriff.
Minerva Torres Shelton candidate for El Paso County Sheriff.

Texa House District 77: Homer Reza, Norma Chávez, Vincent Perez, Alexsandra Annello

Why are you the best candidate for this office?

Reza: Quite simply, I have the most experience in skills needed to be a strong state representative. During the time I worked with IBM and Eastman Kodak, I had the opportunity to learn how to seek solutions by listening to the needs of my customers, understanding their needs, and putting solutions to work. And I had many successes during that period. I will put these skills to work by working with my constituents to prioritize their needs and fighting for them in Austin. If I need to fight for more funding for public schools, I will, if I need to work on strengthening school protection, I will, If I must eliminate barriers so that small businesses and startups can succeed, I will. What ever the need is, I will be there fighting for them.

Homer Reza speaks during a forum for candidates in the Texas House District 77 race on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024. The event was hosted by the El Paso Chamber and Raise Your Hand Texas, an Austin-based education advocacy group.
Homer Reza speaks during a forum for candidates in the Texas House District 77 race on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024. The event was hosted by the El Paso Chamber and Raise Your Hand Texas, an Austin-based education advocacy group.

Chávez:Seniority matters in this race for House District 77. I do not need training wheels. I have the legislative experience, institutional knowledge, and capacity to provide influence and power for El Paso as I return as an 8th term member, and in the top 30 out of 150 members in the Texas House of Representatives. I am older, wiser, and experienced in lawmaking. I have learned from my mistakes and during my tenure not once did I cost the taxpayers one dime. This open seat provides a rare opportunity for House District 77 and El Paso.

Norma Chávez candidate for Texas House District 77.
Norma Chávez candidate for Texas House District 77.

Perez: Did not submit questionnaire from El Paso Times.

Annello: During my time on city council, I have fought for access to healthcare, including mental healthcare, and been an advocate for women’s rights, immigrant rights, and labor rights as well as prevailing wages. No other candidate has the track record I have when it comes to upholding democratic values and fighting for the underserved.

Alexsandra Annello candidate for Texas House District 77.
Alexsandra Annello candidate for Texas House District 77.

El Paso County Attorney: Christina Sanchez, Sergio Saldivar

Why are you the best candidate for this office?

Sanchez: I believe I am the right candidate to serve as the next El Paso County Attorney because of my specialized skill set on complex governmental law matters. My work has been recognized by the El Paso Bar Association who in 2020 awarded me the Government Lawyer of the Year award. I am the only candidate in this race with this kind of specialized experience. In addition, I am the only candidate who understands and appreciates the unique role that a local legal elected office has in the community. Throughout my tenure as an assistant county attorney, I have taken the time to testify and advocate on issues reflective of the values of our community, such as testifying before the Texas

State Legislature on redistricting issues and against anti-immigrant bills. The County and the County Attorney’s Office needs a leader that understands and appreciates this effort and will stand up for laws that go against the values of our community.

Simply put, I have the relevant experience for this job.

Christina Sanchez candidate for County Attorney.
Christina Sanchez candidate for County Attorney.

Saldivar: My experience is diverse.

I have law enforcement experience. I have several degrees. I have appeared in 26 different counties throughout Texas and have been admitted to several U.S. District Courts. I have tried countless jury trials, have dealt with countless judges, prosecutors, attorneys, clients and law enforcement officers. I have strong relationships with law enforcement at all levels. My experience is not only from one office and one lens.

El Paso attorney Sergio Saldivar on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023, at the Law Offices of Sergio Saldivar in El Paso, Texas.
El Paso attorney Sergio Saldivar on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023, at the Law Offices of Sergio Saldivar in El Paso, Texas.

Commissioners Court Precinct 1: Jackie Arroyo Butler, Pete Faraone

Butler: I am the most qualified candidate for this office and my commitment to serving our community is genuine. A true El Pasoan, I've dedicated my career to bring about positive change in the place I proudly call home. Unlike other candidates, I am running a grassroots campaign with a people and issue-focused platform, eschewing political consultants, and refusing to be a single-issue candidate. My extensive expertise spans various policy areas, providing a well-rounded understanding crucial for County business and operations.

Jackie Arroyo Butler candidate for County Commissioners Court Precinct 1.
Jackie Arroyo Butler candidate for County Commissioners Court Precinct 1.

Faraone: I have the experience, knowledge, and commitment to serve our community. Throughout this campaign season I have contacted thousands of Pct. 1 residents. They want a true leader as a commissioner, and they want one that will manage county funds prudently. The last thing they want to see is a commissioner who will give himself a pay raise, which I have promised never to do.

Pete Faraone candidate for County Commissioners Court Precinct 1.
Pete Faraone candidate for County Commissioners Court Precinct 1.

County Commissioner Precinct 3: Iliana Holguin, Virginia Rodriguez

Why are you the best candidate for this office?

Holguin: I have served in this position since January 1, 2021. During that time, I have worked hard to secure funding for necessary projects in my precinct. I successfully advocated for allocating 20% of the County’s ARPA allocation for water and wastewater projects, secured the donation of land for a new park in Horizon and worked to obtain funding from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the construction of that park, secured the donation of an 8,000 sq. ft. mobile medical building that will serve as the home of the County’s Animal Wellness Clinic which will offer free and low-cost spay/neuter services to address to the stray/loose pet population, have developed positive working relationships with community partners such as the Lower Valley Water District, the El Paso County Water Improvement District, and Dig Deep to connect even more colonias to water and wastewater services, obtained funding from the Commissioners Court to hire a part-time grant writer to help the rural municipalities with applying for grant funding when they do not have the capacity to do so on their own, and have assisted in the submission of grant applications to federal agencies for funding for projects such as the Fabens Veterans Park Memorial. I am a very hands-on commissioner that does not hesitate to do whatever I can to identify and obtain the funding necessary for projects in my precinct.

Iliana Holguin candidate for County Commissioner Precinct 3.
Iliana Holguin candidate for County Commissioner Precinct 3.

Rodriguez: Did not submit questionnaire from El Paso Times.

65th District Court: Omar Carmona, Selina Saenz

Why are you the best candidate for this office?

Carmona: I believe that my work in and out of the courtroom over the last 16 years speaks for itself. I have shown that when I see an injustice I will address it if I believe the community is at risk. I am prepared to continue serving the children and families of El Paso.

Saenz:I am the best candidate because I have the experience and temperament to lead the 65th District Family Court. I have 16 years of experience litigating family law cases, the last 5 years primarily in the 65th District Family Court. I have supervised attorneys and staff, managed grant programs, and know the County’s and Court’s procedures and programs. I am patient, hardworking, compassionate, reasonable, and fair. But what truly sets me apart is my personal connection to the 65th District Family Court. In 2018, my husband and I adopted our 3 little girls in the same courtroom where I aspire to serve as judge. I understand the important role this court plays in our community and am dedicated to ensuring our children and families have a venue where they know they will be heard.

Selina Saenz candidate for 65th District Court.
Selina Saenz candidate for 65th District Court.

This article originally appeared on El Paso Times: Meet the candidates on ballot for Texas primary election in El Paso
