This Is Where Bugs Hide in Each Area of Your Home

Bugs in the attic

What bugs will you find in the attic? Flies, termites, wasps, silverfish, and moths.

Here are the 10 most disgusting house bugs and how to get rid of them. Termites are especially troublesome because of the damage that they can cause to your home. These are just some of the secrets termites don’t want you to know.

bed bugs
bed bugs

Bugs in the bedroom

What bugs will you find in the bedroom? Bedbugs, fleas, ants, cockroaches, and spiders.

The last thing you want to deal with is any kind of bug in your bedroom, let alone bedbugs. Prevent bedbugs by doing these 7 things.

Fleas are commonly found in the bedroom, especially if you’ve got pets who sleep in the bedroom with you. You can get rid of fleas with these tips.

Ants are a general nuisance, especially if they’re hanging around inside the house. Here’s how to get rid of ants in your house and around your yard.

A cockroach infestation is not only a disgusting site, it’s a health concern, too, so you’ll want to know how to kill cockroaches.

Spiders in the house are creepy, especially if they’re weaving webs all over the place. Here’s a simple hack that will keep spiders out of your home. But, resist the urge to squash them—here’s why you should never kill a spider.

centipede in house house bugs
centipede in house house bugs

Bugs in the bathroom

What bugs will you find in the bathroom? Ants, cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, centipedes, and drain flies.

You can find all sorts of creepy crawling things in the bathroom when it comes to bugs. If you’ve ever had drain flies in the bathroom, you know how tough it can be to get rid of them.


Bugs in the basement

What bugs will you find in the basement? Termites, cockroaches, earwigs, centipedes, spiders, crickets, pillbugs, and millipedes.

You might not like having bugs around in the house but some bugs are beneficial to the ecosystem.

Here’s what you need to know about crickets:

Some species of crickets, such as the Jerusalem cricket, are capable of biting humans if provoked. Still, it’s rare for these critters to bite. “The cricket species kids run into in North America are basically harmless,” says Joseph Spagna, PhD, William Paterson University associate professor of biology. “I handle the common ‘house cricket’ Acheta domesticus in my behavior classes regularly, with bare hands, and they have never bitten me.”

Here’s what you need to know about millipedes:

“It’s not an insect, but millipedes, the friendly, docile relative of the centipedes, can hurt humans when they’re threatened,” Ricci says. “The yellow-spotted millipede will curl into a ball when threatened, and leak hydrogen cyanide, a strong poison, onto the person holding it. This isn’t usually enough to kill a human, but you definitely should wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your face or eating food immediately after!” Check out these 11 pest-control plants you need in your yard.

Get rid of ants
Get rid of ants

Bugs in the living room

What bugs will you find in the living room? Ants, flies, bedbugs, ladybugs, stinkbugs, and beetles.

Here’s what you need to know about beetles:

“Larger beetles, like large stag beetles, can do some damage with their massive mouthparts, usually when they feel threatened or if they’re trying to steady themselves,” James Daniel Ricci, an entomologist, and the co-founder and CTO of Ovipost, a company that produces automation equipment for rearing insects. “Usually this is pretty mild, barely more than a stubbed toe or a pinprick. Ice the area if it’s at all bruised and use a bandage if necessary.” Try these chemical-free ways of removing pests from your home.

Here’s what you need to know about stink bugs:

Stink bugs are on the rise in many areas and causing serious damage to fruits and vegetables. They don’t bite or cause structural damage, but in the fall they seek shelter indoors.

According to the University of Maryland extension experts, sealing your home is the best control: caulking, foundation sealing, weather stripping, door sweeps, and other measures. If they do get inside, experts recommend vacuuming them up (although your vacuum may stink for a few days afterward). Here are a few secrets your exterminator doesn’t want you to know.

catch bugs in your home
catch bugs in your home

Bugs in the kitchen

What bugs will you find in the kitchen? Ants, cockroaches, flies, and meal moths.

How to get rid of meal moths:

Meal moths, often known as pantry moths, love to get into food such as flour, beans, and dried fruit. They also eat through pet food and even your Christmas ornaments. These moths don’t carry disease, so you can eat the food after you pick out the dead bodies and freeze the food for at least four days. Or, just pitch it!

Bugs in the garage

What bugs will you find in the garage? Silverfish, crickets, spiders, pillbugs, flies

Next, here are a few simple ways to keep your house pest-free.

How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs

Why Cicadas, Crickets, and Other Bugs Are So Loud

13 Things in Your House That Are Attracting Pests Right Now

The post This Is Where Bugs Hide in Each Area of Your Home appeared first on Reader's Digest.
