What's your opinion? Weekly look at guest columns, op-eds, letters in the Press & Sun

Here are this week's local guest viewpoints, op-eds and letters submitted by readers to the Press & Sun-Bulletin / pressconnects.com.

Why is the Binghamton mayor suing city council?

Binghamton resident Dan Livingston questions why Mayor Jared Kraham is suing the newly elected Binghamton City Council. He writes, "Now, if the mayor's intention was to find a clear answer to the question of how to resolve a tied election − and not to say, embroil the city in a costly lawsuit − he could have sought an opinion from the NYS Board of Elections, or the Attorney General's Office. Instead, he sought an opinion from the NY Conference of Mayors."

Read more here.

Learn more: Binghamton city council seat debate goes to court: Here's the timeline

Broome Republicans giving you a voice and choice at the ballot box

Benji Federman, a Binghamton resident and the chairman of the Broome County Republican Committee, writes about why he jumped into the world of politics and the priorities his committee is working on, from issues with bail reform to the poor economic conditions in New York. He writes, "but "I’ve seen the lasting effects of bad policy that has hurt our area for far too long. I had to get into the fight."

Read more here.

Seeds of hate in Israeli-Hamas conflict continue to impact Palestinians

Ed Nizalowski, a Newark Valley resident and member of Broome County Peace Action, writes about the history of the Israeli-Hamas conflict, and the tragic impact on the residents of Gaza. He writes, "There are numerous questions that need to be answered regarding what has happened in Israel over the last year and especially since the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas," but there are groups and people working to bring peace and shed light on the Israeli actions that continue to harm Palestinians.

Read more here.

Learn more: More stories about the Israel-Hamas war from the USA TODAY Network

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Write to us

The Press & Sun-Bulletin / pressconnects.com will consider publishing guest columns up to 500 words and we also accept letters to the editor up to 200 words on various topics. Please send us your submissions to bgm-letters@pressconnects.com or upload them here. Include your name, address, email and phone number. We edit for brevity, accuracy, clarity and grammar. We reject anonymous letters, poetry, internet pass-alongs and form letters. Writers are limited to one letter within 30 days. We cannot acknowledge unpublished letters.

This article originally appeared on Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Press & Sun weekly roundup of guest columns, op-eds and letters
