Wesley Boykin, candidate for NC House District 4

Name: Wesley L. Boykin

Political party: Democrat

Age as of Nov. 8, 2022: 65

Campaign website: https://sites.google.com/view/vote-boykin

Occupation: Retired

Education: NC A&T State University (BS in English/psychology minor), University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (MS & Ph.D. In educational psychology), University of North Carolina (M.P.H. in epidemiology)

Have you run for elected office before? Duplin County Commissioner

Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Faison Chapel Missionary Baptist Church; Planning Commission (past), NAACP Life Member, Magnolia Baptist Food Pantry and Distribution Volunteer, JSCC Barber Program volunteer speaker

What are the three issues that you see as most important to your district and what will you do to address them?

1. JOBS: Job creation in the 21st century economy with smarter growth policies that protect our rural tier.

2. SCHOOLS: A “college and career ready” school system.

3. SAFETY: Effective public safety strategies to create safe communities.

At a time when costs are rising, state government has a surplus. How should it be used?

Public educational supports, housing assistance, transportation, health care, community impact.

Will you vote for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina?


What has the legislature gotten right, and what has it gotten wrong, about public education in North Carolina?

The idea that our state attempts to provide a free public education to all residents is a noble concept that must continue. We rely too heavily on test scores to determine performance success. This overemphasis robs our educational systems of valuable time and resources necessary for excellence in the teaching and learning processes.

Should North Carolina change its abortion laws? How?


*Editors Note: Candidates were provided with the following multiple choice options to this question. A response was required to complete the questionnaire.

  • There should be a ban on abortion, with no exceptions.

  • There should be a ban on abortion, with some exceptions.

  • Abortion should be banned starting at some point during the first trimester.

  • Abortion should be banned starting at the end of the first trimester (12 weeks).

  • The current state law banning abortion after 20 weeks should remain.

  • There should be fewer restrictions on abortion after 20 weeks.

  • There should be no restrictions on abortion.

  • Undecided

Please add anything else voters should know about your position on the legality or availability of abortion in North Carolina.

The choices above do not capture my opinion on abortion. A “force choice” is required in order to continue; I am not “undecided” on this issue. I personally don’t agree in concept with abortion as a human. However, historically, groups of people in this great country, by law, were not “human” and had no rights to live and make life choices for themselves. I can not support efforts to take away life decision-making authority of a group of equal citizens, due to my personal views.

Should medical marijuana be legalized in North Carolina?


What, if anything, should the legislature to do shape curriculum dealing with topics of race, sexuality and gender?

All curricula and curricula materials should be rooted in truth, supported by fact and be as comprehensive as humanly possible.

Do you accept the results of the 2020 presidential election?

