These Wedding Anniversary Colors by Year Add Meaningful Flair to Your Celebration

Anniversaries are special milestones that mark the passage of time, love and commitment between two individuals and serve as a beautiful reminder of the day they took the plunge of saying, "I do." Getting married is a tradition that has been around for a long time and appropriately, lots of timeless traditions go along with it—such as wedding anniversary colors that correspond with the anniversary year being celebrated

Colors corresponding to each anniversary have become a beloved tradition, offering couples a creative way to infuse more meaning into their celebrations. Each color chosen for an anniversary holds a unique symbol and sentiment that reflects the journey of love and devotion. From the first year to the golden milestone of the 50th to even the 80th anniversary, every year is associated with a particular color that encapsulates the essence of that stage in marriage.

Wedding anniversary colors by year not only add vibrancy and symbolism to the occasion but also create a visual connection to the years of love and memories shared. If your special day is coming up soon, why not adorn your celebrations in the appropriate color? 

Related: Anniversary Coming Up? Uphold Tradition With Wedding Anniversary Flowers by Year

Traditional Wedding Anniversary Colors

1st Anniversary: Gold or Yellow

Gold represents the precious nature of the first year of marriage, while yellow signifies the joy, optimism and bright future ahead for the couple.

10th Anniversary: Silver or Blue

Silver symbolizes the durability and purity of a decade-long commitment, while blue reflects the depth and stability of love.

20th Anniversary: Emerald Green or White

Emerald green represents growth, renewal and flourishing love between partners, while white signifies the purity and devotion that has endured.

25th Anniversary: Silver

Silver marks a quarter-century of enduring love, symbolizing the strength and resilience of a marriage that has weathered the test of time.

30th Anniversary: Green

Green stands for the continued growth and harmony in the relationship, as the couple enters celebrates their third decade together.

40th Anniversary: Ruby Red

Bright and fiery, ruby red signifies the passion, intensity, and enduring love that continues to burn bright after 40 years of marriage.

50th Anniversary: Gold

Gold and large milestones go hand-in-hand. Gold for the 50th anniversary embodies the timeless, priceless and enduring nature of a marriage that has reached its golden milestone. No doubt, the foundation of any marriage that makes it this far is solid.

60th Anniversary: Diamond White

Diamond white signifies brilliance, purity and rare beauty. Celebrating a sixtieth anniversary is a rare feat, and not something to be taken lightly.

70th Anniversary: Platinum

Platinum symbolizes strength, endurance, and the rarity of a relationship that has lasted for seventy years.

75th Anniversary: Diamond White

Like a diamond, a 75-year marriage is rare and precious, and the white color represents the purity and enduring love that have defined their journey.

80th Anniversary: Ruby Red

Coinciding with forty years prior, ruby red is the color for celebrating eighty years of marriage. Ruby red celebrates the enduring passion and love that have remained vibrant in this marriage.

Years 1-10

1st Anniversary: Gold or Yellow

Ah, the early days! Gold or yellow symbolizes optimism, excitement and joy for newlyweds embarking on this journey.

2nd Anniversary: Red or Linen White

Red signifies deepening love and passion, while linen white stands for purity and simplicity of the second year together.

3rd Anniversary: White or Jade Green

White represents the purity of your love, and jade green signifies growth, balance and a strengthening bond. All couples hope that their bond is stronger than ever and continues to grow!

4th Anniversary: Blue or Green

Blue represents the stability and trust that has grown in your relationship. Green showcases the harmony and fertility of love.

5th Anniversary: Blue, Pink or Turquoise

Like the ocean, blue represents the depth of your commitment, pink embodies romance and gratitude and turquoise symbolizes unique beauty and serenity.

6th Anniversary: Purple, Turquoise or White

Purple represents the enchantment and luxury of your partnership, turquoise symbolizes the calm and balance you've achieved and white reflects the continued purity of your love.

7th Anniversary: Onyx, Yellow or Off-White

Onyx signifies strength and protection, yellow represents optimism and joy and off-white reflects timeless grace and the enduring quality of your marriage.

8th Anniversary: Tourmaline or Tanzanite

Tourmaline represents the various facets of your relationship, and tanzanite symbolizes the depth and rarity of your enduring love.

9th Anniversary: Terracotta

A warm and comforting color, terracotta signifies the solid foundation and warmth that your partnership has provided you up to now.

10th Anniversary: Blue or Silver

Cheers to a full decade of marriage!  Blue represents the depth and stability of a decade together, whereas silver represents the precious and enduring nature of your ten-year journey together.

Years 11-20

11th Anniversary: Yellow or Turquoise

Entering a new decade of marriage together is no small feat! Yellow signifies the continued joy and optimism in your partnership for a happy future together, while turquoise represents the calming and balancing aspects of your love journey that complement the excitement.

12th Anniversary: Jade or Opal

Jade symbolizes enduring love and wisdom, while opal represents the ever-changing and beautiful nature of your relationship. As years go on, people change, and so do marriages.

13th Anniversary: White or Citrine

White reflects the purity and innocence of your love, whereas citrine symbolizes the bright and positive energy that continues to radiate from your partnership.

14th Anniversary: Ivory or Opal

Ivory represents the timeless and enduring qualities of your love, while opal embodies the ever-changing aspects of your relationship.

15th Anniversary: Ruby Red

Ruby red is a recurring anniversary color that celebrates passion, love and vibrant energy between two partners.

16th Anniversary: Red or Emerald Green

Red signifies deepening love and passion, while emerald green represents the continued growth and renewal of your marital bond.

17th Anniversary: Yellow

Yellow continues to symbolize the optimism and joy that have been a constant presence in your relationship.

18th Anniversary: Blue

Don't be so blue about celebrating your 18th anniversary! Blue represents stability and trust that have continued to flourish.

19th Anniversary: Bronze

Just shy of two decades together, bronze signifies the strength and resilience of your love.

20th Anniversary: White or Emerald Green

Happy 20th Anniversary! White reflects the enduring purity of your love together, while emerald green symbolizes the growth, renewal, and flourishing bond that twenty years of marriage have brought. Here's to more growth!

Years 21-25

21st Anniversary: Orange

As bright as the sun, orange is a popping color that stands for energy, enthusiasm and warmth.

22nd Anniversary: Green

Green represents the harmony, balance and growth that your relationship has achieved.

23rd Anniversary: Silver

Silver signifies enduring purity, something that nobody can take away from you after 23 years together.

24th Anniversary: Lavender

Lavender, representing refinement and tranquility, is a fitting color for your 24th anniversary—symbolizing the peaceful and serene love that has enriched your lives, and hopefully the people around you too.

25th Anniversary: Silver

The 25th anniversary is traditionally celebrated with silver, emphasizing the significance of a quarter-century of enduring love and commitment.

Years 30 and Up

30th Anniversary: Green

Green is a color that embodies growth, harmony and balance. After 30 years of marriage, these are important qualities that everyone would hope were present in their own.

35th Anniversary: Coral

Vibrant and warm, coral embodies the passion and zest for life, and for one another.

40th Anniversary: Ruby Red

Deep passion, love and timeless commitment—all things that ruby red represents, and all things that continue to burn brightly in your marriage by your 40th anniversary.

45th Anniversary: Sapphire Red

Celebrate your 45th anniversary with sapphire red—denoting the beauty and depth of your passionate love, akin to the precious sapphire gemstone.

50th Anniversary: Gold

Marriages that stand the test of time through 50 years together are invaluable, just as gold. The golden anniversary represents the precious and invaluable nature of your love, shining brighter than gold.

55th Anniversary: Emerald Green

Emerald green reflects the long-lasting growth, renewal and cherished memories that you've created throughout the course of your marriage.

60th Anniversary: Diamond White

Shine bright like a diamond in your 60th year of marriage! Diamond whites symbolize brilliance, purity and the rare beauty of your love.

65th Anniversary: Sky Blue

Sky blue is a calming and serene color, representative of the tranquil and peaceful nature of your love. Love is calm, not chaotic—and sky blue represents that.

70th Anniversary: Platinum

The platinum anniversary at 70 years reflects the strength, endurance and rarity of timeless love.

75th Anniversary: Diamond White

Similar to the 60th anniversary, the 75th anniversary is celebrated with diamond white, showcasing the enduring brilliance and purity of your love.

80th Anniversary: Ruby Red

80 years of marriage, wow! Your marriage can truly last through all the curveballs that life throws your way. Ruby red continues to represent the deep passion and love that have endured for an extremely impressive eight decades, marking your 80th anniversary in style.

Next: What Your Favorite Color Says About Your Love Life, According to Relationship Experts
