Website to help with area workforce presented to chamber

EAU CLAIRE — Among the many topics related to economic development discussed at an Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce event on Thursday, one important focus was a dwindling amount of people in the workforce.

The Eau Claire Chamber Eggs and Issues: Economic Development Update meeting hosted many speakers from municipalities and other organizations involved in the area’s economic development.

One of the topics discussed was workforce, which is a “significant challenge for our employers,” according to Chamber Vice President Governmental Affairs Scott Rogers.

Employers from the local to state level have positions that they are having trouble filling and the population of the state isn’t growing enough to keep up with the need for employees, said Rogers. The chamber has asked the state to work to bring people into Wisconsin.

Some things that are being done about issues with workforce include an initiative of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to match dollars for partners working on “talent attraction marketing”, said Ray French, the WEDC Regional Economic Development Director.

French said they also have been advertising Wisconsin through many avenues including a website called

“This website is helping to be our top of the funnel for potential new transplants to Wisconsin,” said French. “As leads come into our funnel they’re connected with relevant regional ambassadors to help them learn more and navigate a potential move to Wisconsin.”

One ambassador for this program is The Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce, said French.

“We get the leads and our job is to reach out to them and to make sure that they get all the information about Wisconsin that they want,” said Tina Probst, the chamber director of workforce and emerging talent. “It could include them coming for a tour. It could include a phone call. It’s really fluid based on what the person’s interested in.”

Ambassadors are able to connect with people through interests and work, said Probst. People can fill out a form on the website and have the choice to talk to a community ambassador.

Probst said they have gotten leads to three people through this program since they started hearing from people in April.

Other development topics included specific developments like Whitetail Woods development in Altoona.

According to Altoona City Administrator Mike Golat, this development has seen pushback from people who would like to keep the space rural. He said there are benefits to having denser developments, including providing infrastructure, like water, to a larger amount of homes for a lesser cost and having more options for housing.

A development mentioned in the City of Eau Claire was the Sevens Project. This project will be built by two developers in two parts: a business park and residential space.

The city unanimously decided to enter into an agreement for the first part of the development.

City of Eau Claire Community Development Director Aaron White said the first section of the project will be the headquarters for the business park developer, Hoeft Builders.

“Collectively the two developers are looking to guarantee about 120 million in taxable value,” said White. “This type of net new construction adds directly to our capacity to continue to grow and fund our community services and also provide a space to open up some new developments in the area.”

In 2023, Eau Claire County was in first place for “net new construction by percentage” in Wisconsin, said Luke Hanson, executive director of the Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corporation. The county added more than $372 million to its valuation.

“We’re beating the rest of the state, which we’re happy about, and we want to continue that growth,” said Hanson.
