Webinar on Sandia contracts tomorrow

Dec. 4—Interested in contracting with Sandia National Laboratories? There's a free webinar for that this week.

The New Mexico Minority Business Development Agency is hosting the webinar Tuesday. The event aims to help local business owners apply for contracts with Sandia.

The event is from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

People can register for the event at https://cabq.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqcOCqpjktGdRtaU4arFuOfhR-KieBhomY#/registration

"There can be so many pitfalls when applying for procurement opportunities," Gabriela Marques, the director of the MBDA, said in a statement. "This webinar will give local businesses all the information they need to successfully apply for contracts with Sandia National Laboratories and most importantly, how to avoid common errors."

The services that Sandia is seeking contractors for can vary and be lucrative. In the 2022 fiscal year, Sandia sub-contract related payments totaled more than $1.5 billion.

Of that money, about 32% was awarded to New Mexico companies, according to Sandia's most recent economic impact report.

City of Albuquerque officials said they are hopeful that more local business can become contractors for the labs, said Max Gruner, the city's director of Economic Development.

"Sandia Labs has so many contract opportunities available, many of which are fulfilled outside of New Mexico," Gruner said in a statement. "We are happy to host this webinar in hopes that those opportunities stay here to support New Mexican families."
