Watch Three Teams' Big Travel Risk Get Put in Jeopardy on This Week's 'The Amazing Race'

Todd and Ashlie Martin nervously wait in a train station on 'The Amazing Race 35'

After making its first stop in Europe of the season last week, The Amazing Race 35 continues across the continent in a major way. The teams travel to Slovenia for the first time in the veteran reality show's history. But some are hoping to get there a lot faster than others, even at great risk.

One of the most welcome changes to the 35th season of the Emmy-winning series has been a return to commercial travel. Over the past seven weeks, we've seen teams have their races made or broken by booking the right transportation, and avoiding suffering from dreaded delays. And this week, they're making the attempt yet again, as some last-minute train-hopping may be the difference between first and last place.

The sneak peek clip above shows three teams--brothers Greg and John Franklin, father/son duo Rob and Corey McArthur, and married couple Todd and Ashlie Martin--arrive at Vienna Airport en route to Ljubljana, Slovenia. Though they already had booked a train that got there at the same time as the other 7 teams in the race, they decide to take a major risk for a chance to get ahead.

The three pairs choose to go another route, instead pursuing a plan that involves a five-minute layover, four trains, and three connections. Though the windows are tight, if they're able to make it work, they'll arrive in Slovenia a staggering 8 hours before the other teams, nearly guaranteeing they survive elimination. Unfortunately, with all things traveling, it comes down to the best-laid plans of mice and men.

Things are waylaid almost immediately when the group makes their second connection, only to realize that their third train has been delayed by 15 minutes. That puts their entire plan in jeopardy, as it hinged upon them making a tight connection onto their last train. We're left in suspense as the teams nervously await if their big risk paid off. The stakes, as Todd outlines, "Either we get there with 8 hours to spare. Or we strike out."

Check out the clip above for the full sneak peek. The Amazing Race 35 airs Wednesdays at 9:30 p.m. on CBS.

Next, here's everything you need to know about this season of Survivor.
