Watch a Classic VW Beetle Race a Mini, A 2CV, And a Fiat 500

tfl mini vs 2cv vs fiat 500
Watch the VW Beetle Race a Mini, 2CV, And a FiatScreenshot: TFLClassics on Youtube

The humble people's car is an extinct species. Years of economic growth and stratospheric marketing budgets have turned the auto market into a game of status, opulence, and excess. So this holiday season, it's nice to spend some time with the simple cars that mobilized the world.

The best way to do that is with this new video from TFLClassics. The TFL team pits four iconic people's cars from four countries up against each other in a shootout. The original Austin Mini, VW Beetle, Citroën 2CV, and Fiat 500 line up for acceleration, braking, and top speed runs. None of them provides a particularly impressive result, but that's what makes the video fun.

These cars were never designed with such comparisons in mind. Unlike modern car companies, the firms that built these didn't design around 0-60 times and performance metrics. Instead, they provided minimum viable products. The goal was providing mobility to the largest number of people at the lowest cost, a noble one that feels timely in this moment of 1000-hp and six-figure-MSRP madness. So to close out the year, take 16 minutes to watch a group of true enthusiasts enjoying the simple things.

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