Watch a live view of Downing Street after Suella Braverman sacked amid Sunak’s Cabinet reshuffle

Watch a live view outside Downing Street after Suella Braverman was sacked as home secretary on Monday, 13 November.

Rishi Sunak is expected to conduct a cabinet reshuffle of his top team after days of intense pressure to axe Ms Braverman.

The prime minister has asked Ms Braverman to step down from her position after she wrote an article claiming that Metropolitan Police favouritism had stopped far-right protests but permitted “pro-Palestine mobs” to rally, ahead of the Gaza march which took place on Armistice Day in London.

The final version of the op-ed, written for The Times, was not approved by Downing Street.

Rishi Sunak’s officials’ requests for changes were ignored by the home secretary.

Following Saturday's demonstration, Ms Braverman doubled down on calls for pro-Palestinian protests to be stopped.

She warned that London’s streets are “being polluted by hate, violence and antisemitism” and hit out at “sick” chants and placards at Saturday’s march.

Ms Braverman previously stepped down from six-week stint as home secretary in Liz Truss's government after being accused of breaching the ministerial code.

She left the role after she said she had made a “technical infringement” of the rules by sending an official document from a personal email.

Ms Braverman returned to the role when Mr Sunak became prime minister.
