Watch: King Charles and Camilla arrive in Berlin for overseas debut

King Charles III and Queen Consort, Camilla, arrived in Berlin for his first overseas state visit as monarch.

The first leg of the King's trip to France was cancelled due to ongoing protests over controversial pension reform.

German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier will welcome Charles and Camilla at the historic Brandenburg Gate.

On Thursday, the King is expected to deliver a speech to the Bundestag, the German parliament, and meet with chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The monarch will also meet with Ukrainian refugees, along with military personnel.

Friday will see the royals travelling to Hamburg where they will visit the Kindertransport memorial for Jewish children who fled to Britain.

Before returning to the UK, they will attend a green energy event.

The trip is seen as the British royal family's attempt to improve post-Brexit relations with Europe.

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