Watch live: Biden delivers economic address in Maryland amid son’s indictment

Watch live as President Joe Biden makes remarks on the U.S. economy at Prince George’s Community College in Maryland .

He is expected to lay out the “next chapter” of the Bidenomics vs. MAGAnomics contrast, according to White House senior advisor Anita Dunn.

The term MAGAnomics will be used for the first time as an attack against GOP economic policies.

Biden’s speech takes place in the shadow of a potential government shutdown if Congress cannot decide how to fund the government by the end of September.

This is Biden’s first public appearance since his son Hunter was indicted Thursday, 14 September on federal firearms charges, the latest and weightiest step yet in a long-running investigation into the president’s son.

The indictment comes as congressional Republicans pursue an impeachment inquiry into the Democratic president, in large part over Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Republicans have obtained testimony about how Hunter Biden used the “Biden brand” to drum up work overseas, but they have not produced hard evidence of wrongdoing by the president.
