Want to work for Cal-OSHA? Here are the current job openings, salary info and how to apply

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If you’ve ever wanted to spend your career making sure California workers are safe on the job, the state’s workplace safety agency needs you now more than ever.

California’s Division of Occupation of Safety and Health, also known as Cal-OSHA, is facing a severe staffing shortage, a Sacramento Bee investigation found. The division currently has a 37% vacancy rate within its enforcement branch, which is largely made up of on-site health and safety inspectors.

The lack of safety professionals means Cal-OSHA isn’t well-quipped to proactively inspect workplaces and prevent accidents before they happen. As a result, workers’ health, safety and lives are on the line.


Getting a state job is tricky — so much so that one state retiree built a business out of helping others navigate the process. But with planning and patience, it’s possible.

Below you’ll find a road map for how to qualify, apply for and hopefully secure a job with Cal-OSHA, as well as a list of open positions and their pay ranges.

How do I apply for a job with Cal-OSHA?

All current available state jobs can be found at calcareers.ca.gov. To find Cal-OSHA positions, toggle the “department” tab to “Industrial Relations,” and then enter either “DOSH” or “OSHA” in the keyword search bar.

Positions are constantly being added and removed from CalCareers. As of Feb. 22, the department is hiring for several safety inspector and supervisor positions across the state, along with other roles (scroll down to see which Cal-OSHA jobs are accepting applications and when they’re due).

Once you find a job you’d like to apply for, you’ll first need to see if you meet the minimum qualifications, or “MQs”. You can find information about these qualifications either linked in the job description on CalCareers or by looking up the position on CalHR’s website.

Next, before you can apply for positions, you’ll need to take and pass the eligibility exam for each of the roles you’re applying for. Passing this multiple choice assessment will allow you to then submit applications for those specific job classifications. Eligibility lists are only valid for one year. Plan to apply within 12 months of completing the exam, or else you’ll need to retake the test.

After passing the eligibility exam, you’re now able to submit applications. Most state jobs require applicants to write a “Statement of Qualifications” that summarizes their job-related knowledge, skills and abilities. The “SOQ” also provides an opportunity to showcase your writing skills and your ability to align your own experience and qualifications with the job for which you’re applying.

State career coach Michelle Allen advises her clients to carefully read the job’s “Duty Statement” (typically linked in the CalCareers job description) and tailor their SOQ responses using the language in that document.

Finally, after submitting your applications, expect to wait at least a week (sometimes several) before you hear back about an interview. Keep applying for other open roles — as many as you can, Allen advises — and don’t become discouraged if you never receive a response.

What Cal-OSHA jobs are open, and what do they pay?

Office Technician — Typing

Brief description: Clerical workers for Cal-OSHA perform critical duties that keep the division running smoothly. Responsibilities include tracking equipment using databases, responding to requests from district offices, tracking the status of those requests, receiving and shipping technical equipment/supplies, responding to invoices, completing forms and filing documents, answering questions from staff and the public, and training Cal-OSHA staff on clerical procedures.

Location: CALICO Laboratory, San Leandro

Salary range: $3,369 - $4,217 per month

Application due date: Feb. 22, 2024

Find the eligibility exam bulletin for the “Office Technician (Typing)” classification here and the duty statement here.

Research Data Analyst II

***This role is eligible for telework***

Brief description: This data analyst will perform economic and fiscal analyses of Cal-OSHA’s proposed standards. This includes using various state and federal databases to find, extract and compile data on costs related to the program, labor, healthcare, unemployment, welfare and other factors. The analyst will use this data to calculate the total costs and benefits of occupational health proposals and regulations, and they will also write reports explaining the data, costs, benefits, and calculations. They should be ready to answer public and stakeholder inquiries about the data analysis and conclusions, and they may be asked to collect data through letters, surveys, meetings and telephone calls.

Location: Oakland

Salary range: $6,265 to $7,848 per month

Application due date: March 8, 2024

Find the eligibility exam bulletin for “Research Data Analyst II” classification here and the duty statement here.

Cal-OSHA Enforcement Inspector (Associate Safety Engineer)

Brief description: Associate Safety Engineers are responsible for conducting complex safety inspections, accident investigations, consultations and other assignments related to construction, electrical, and industrial occupational safety and health.

Locations: Riverside, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties

Salary range: $9,245.00 to $11,566 per month

Application due date: March 4, 2024

Find the eligibility exam bulletin for the “Associate Safety Engineer” classification here and the duty statement here.

Epidemiologist (Research Scientist V — Epidemiology/Biostatistics)

***This role is eligible for telework***

Brief description: This scientist will serve as Cal-OSHA’s epidemiology expert as well as a subject-matter expert in biostatistics. The person will conduct original research into the development and application of new risk assessment methods for extreme heat conditions, in addition to chemicals that have little or no toxicology testing in laboratory animals. Their work will help contribute to the proposal and adoption of new safety standards to protect California workers.

Location: Oakland or Santa Ana

Salary range: $9,878 to $12,367 per month

Application due date: March 11, 2024

Find the eligibility exam bulletin for the “Research Scientist V” classification here and the duty statement here.

Supervising Industrial Hygienist

***This role is eligible for telework***

Brief description: This supervisory level position is responsible “for work of the highest level of technical and professional expertise.” Supervising Industrial Hygienists plan, organize, and direct industrial hygiene work in a major geographic area, or they supervise the work of a major section activity. They also propose and evaluate health standards. Management duties include conducting and participating in meetings with department staff, determining priorities, assigning work and evaluating staff performance.

Locations: Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles counties

Salary range: $11,624 to $14,195 per month

Application due date: March 4, 2024

Find the eligibility exam bulletin for “Supervising Industrial Hygienist” classification here and the duty statement here.
