'Walters knows what true grafters as a team can achieve'

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We recently asked you what Stoke City head coach Steven Schumacher and Sporting Director Jonathan Walters need to get right over the summer in order for the club to be more successful next season.

Here are some of the responses we received:

Jeff: Took a while for Steven to convince me that he had a coherent plan, but everything came good in the end. The loss of Iversen, Campbell and Cundle will be significant, and as a minimum, another quality striker and quality goalkeeper are essential. Junior and Million both look good, midfield ok. Defence needs a keeper as good as Iversen has been.

Anthony: Super Jonny Walters is a leader, as was Glenn Whelan who played with him. The current squad needs two or three genuine leaders in the dressing room to drive standards amongst the playing squad. He also needs to protect his head coach. Michael O'Neill and Alex Neil weren't protected when fans turned on them. Stability required.

Steve: It’s all about the blend. We need strong, fearsome defenders. Clever, creative midfielders (with a little bite), and fast, ruthless forwards with one thing on their mind. Most of all, and this is where Jon will excel, we need a one-for-all, all-for-one togetherness. Come on Jon, get them to run through walls!

David: Jonny Walters has forgotten more about football than I could ever learn, but I do expect to see him and Schumacher collaborate on a plan and go in with consistency, rather than last summer's aimless free-for-all.

Barney: We need a strong defence and someone to find the back of the net. Walters knows what true grafters as a team can achieve, and that's the sort of players we need. Team players.

Tony: Get a really good goalkeeper and strengthen the defence, those are the main tasks at hand. Next up, a good defensive midfielder and a goalscorer.

Andrew: Stoke need an extra forward and to play two up front. Recruit some pace to strengthen what we already have.
