Vote Corey Gibson for Congress and other Tri-City Herald letters to the editor

Mete out justice for making threats

Security boosted after lawmakers on Jan. 6 panel get threats.” No surprise, SCOTUS Judges weren’t all given extra security protection.

The latter voted by Democrats, not surprising since they were probably going to reverse (sacrifice) one of their ‘’Sacred Cows” on the Republicans “Altar.’’ Any and all those threatening letters to the judges and/or (rigged) Jan. 6 panel should be turned over to the FBI, perpetrators found, tried and if/when proven guilty, put into prison.

Any senator or representative calling for illegal actions against the elected and/or the general public should in likewise be tried, if/when proven guilty, put into prison.

I could very easily rant on about the legal system (since the justice system has been thoroughly perverted) but, I’ll spare you my logical opinion save the old logical saying of: “If you do the crime, serve the time.”

Jim Mead, Prosser

Moxee voter likes Corey Gibson

I believe Corey Gibson can beat (Rep.) Dan Newhouse for Congress. Anyone who hasn’t heard Corey speak is missing an opportunity to experience the optimism and passion we’ve been missing in Washington’s Fourth District for a long, long time. I fear that all the other candidates will just be more of the same and this election is too important for more of the same. Go Corey! Your sign is in my yard!

Les Riel, Moxee

What about halt to permits, pipeline?

I was surprised that the article about corporate greed did not mention Biden’s closure of the oil pipeline and the obstacles he has put in the way of new drilling permits. Don’t these factor in to higher gas prices and higher overall inflation?

Kimm Minkler, Kennewick

Get your abortion in Washington

For those women who are worried about being able to get an abortion, just look to Gov. Jay Inslee. He likes to go against the federal laws such as making marijuana legal for Washington. And to back him up is our attorney general who likes to sue the government on whatever law he does not like. So get your abortions here in Washington state even if it is not a law in the Constitution, which it never was.

Nancy Ballard, Richland

Biden abortion comment inept

The U.S. Supreme Court has decided that there is no authority in the U.S. Constitution to regulate abortion, and that the 50 states have always had the authority to decide how to regulate abortion. President Biden foolishly reacted by declaring that the Democrats will push to enact a federal law that takes away from the states the authority that the U.S. Constitution gives to them. The Supreme Court decision means that not only the Supreme Court, but also the president and Congress, have no authority under the Constitution to regulate abortion. A federal abortion statute will be enjoined by the federal courts from being enforced against the states.

Biden’s proposal is politically inept. In states where Democrats rule and abortion is already not regulated, voters have abortion rights regardless of who gets elected to Congress. In states where voters support state laws that regulate abortion, Democrat candidates will now be labeled as wannabe tyrants who don’t trust their own constituents to choose how to regulate abortion in their own state. Biden’s shoot-himself-in-the-foot incompetence has again been demonstrated.

Raymond Takashi Swenson, Richland

Cheney’s right, dishonor remains

Brad Klippert, Jerrod Sessler, Corey Gibson, Ben Garcia, Jacek Kobiesa, Doug White, Loren Culp, Dan Newhouse, and all registered voters in the Fourth Congressional District, regardless of party affiliations, need to pay attention to Re. Liz Cheney’s (R-Wyo.) comments made during the Jan. 6 Committee hearing where she said: “Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”

Before voting in the upcoming 2022 elections, think long and hard about the failed insurrection and failed coup d’etat, all led by Donald Trump and supported by many U.S. citizens. Vote for the United States Constitution and Rule of Law.

Reuel L. Paradis, Prosser
