Vote Bill Jenkin for Benton County Commission and other Herald letters to the editor

Jenkin best for Benton County

This is a letter to explain why I am voting for Bill Jenkin to be our next Benton County commissioner. I have known and worked with Bill in our community for many years. He has proved to be honest and sincere in his passion to help others. Proof of this is his many accomplishments here in Prosser as well as the region and state. He has served in our Washington House of Representatives, Prosser School Board president, Rotary district governor and many other state and regional boards and committees.

He has been successful at every endeavor. He uses common sense and does it to help others and not himself. While in the House of Representatives, he was elevated to the leadership team and ranking member on the Community Development Committee. He was able to bring capital budget dollars to the Friends of Badger Mountain for their trails system and renovation dollars for the Benton County Museum.

He also started the Rotary 3rd grade dictionary program and assisted in the “Kids Caught Being Good” program at our schools. Bill is the most qualified and possesses the contacts and regional experience to best serve us. That is why I’m voting for him.

Virginia Bradbury, Prosser

Politicians taking wrong direction

Many in our nation are tired of politicians spending time and dollars fighting the same people who, like them, promise to love America and serve her people. Instead, they are tearing her down piece-by-piece daily, with unwise decisions. We’re corrupt from the top down and rotting from the inside out.

I pray God will cause every American leader to take stock of their lives to see if they are serving our nation or their own agenda. Our country has been greatly blessed, and it is beyond ungrateful to the God who has given us such beauty and bounty to turn our backs on Him. Seeking His wisdom for the mess we’ve made is our only hope.

Gayle Rowett, Pasco

City council not place for prayer

Prayer is the right of every individual in the U.S., however it does NOT belong in fed/state/city governing bodies.

What ever happened to the separation of church and state? There was serious rational thought involved in keeping personal religious beliefs out of government arenas.

It stands to reason that if one faith is represented, then all faiths should be represented. Imagine the time a prayer in each religion would take up? Maybe a blood sacrifice should kick off each meeting too? A short voodoo dance? Don’t open this can of worms in our city.

I have no agenda against Mr. Trumbo nor do I even know the man. All I know is that he has a right to pray freely, on his own, before Kennnewick City Council meetings. He shall not be allowed to force his own religious beliefs utilizing his elected public position.

We need to stay focused to be effective and not be distracted by personal agendas. Let’s take care of Kennewick business!

Lauri Cousineau, Kennewick

Start at Idaho dam to save salmon

Before any steps are taken toward eliminating any dams on the Snake River, I strongly urge that Idaho be required to take down the Dworshak Dam, which allows for no fish passage. Then Washington must be required to clean up all of Puget Sound. These steps will improve the lifespan, health and number of salmon, Orca and other endangered wildlife on the Washington coast. Removing the Snake River dams will lead to extreme gridlock on the roads and rails in and around the Tri-Cities from freight transportation, and where will the billions of dollars come from for dam removal and agriculture loss?

Stephanie Janicek, West Richland
