Viral ‘meme artist’ builds 3,000-pound sarcophagus and TikTok reels at what’s inside

Screengrab from @sunday.nobody's TikTok video

The year is 12022. Humanity dusts off a black sarcophagus with aged, yellow text on the front.

“Niacin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin,” it reads, among other strange text.

After removing the 900-pound concrete headstone, discoverers will gaze upon the “historic artifact” that was not to be opened for 10,000 years after it was buried in 2022.

The artifact? A resin-encased bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.

“This is so stupid, I love it,” one person wrote about the project online.

The TikTok creator known as @sunday.nobody is a self-proclaimed “Meme Artist” and makes elaborate projects to share with millions online.

His Flamin’ Hot Cheetos tomb might be the heaviest — and most expensive — yet.

The creator built the estimated 3,000-pound concrete sarcophagus by himself over several weeks and it cost him about $1,100, he told viewers on TikTok.

After building the Cheetos tomb out of reinforced concrete and rebars, which took over a month to dry and set, he stained the concrete black.

Using a laser cutter, Sunday Nobody etched the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos ingredients into the headstone of the tomb and painted it gold. He then encased a bag of Cheetos in resin and hung it with wires in the middle of the tomb so “it wouldn’t get damaged,” he said.

Finally, it was time to bury the sarcophagus.

“On Instagram, I asked if anyone owned land near my city, and this super nice couple replied. I pitched my idea and they agreed,” he said on TikTok. “They helped me a ton.”

The landowners helped the artist bury the sarcophagus using a tractor, and the creator stuck a plaque at the burial site.

“Historical artifact buried below,” the sign reads. “Do not open for 10,000 years. Year buried 2022.”

The project, despite its absurdity — or perhaps because of it — has garnered over 11 million views as of Nov. 9.

“They’ll either think we worshiped hot Cheetos or that they destroyed us all,” one viewer joked. “Either way they’ll be correct.”

“The dedication to this project is astounding,” another said.

While Sunday Nobody has created numerous pieces of “meme art,” he said it was still a hobby alongside his full-time job.

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