Village homes approved despite 115 objections

Satellite image of the development site
The homes are to be built on a farmland off the High Street in the village of Spaldwick [Google ]

Plans for 15 new village homes that received 115 objections have been approved.

The parish council was among those opposed to the development in Spaldwick, near Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire.

Spaldwick parish councillor Greg Rice told Huntingdonshire District Council’s development management committee that the proposed site was in the “lowest part of the village and floods regularly”.

Developer Blenheim Land and Homes Ltd said the farmland earmarked, off the High Street, was on land deemed to be at low risk of flooding.

The application had been recommended for approval by planning officers after they said no concerns were raised by the local flood authority, the Local Democracy Reporting Service said.

A representative of the developer argued there were “no material reasons” to refuse the plans, and said that the development would see the ditches adjacent to the field maintained.

The application was approved with seven councillors in favour, six against and one abstention.

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