'Vanderpump Rules': Lisa Vanderpump Questions Why Tom Sandoval Is So Giddy About Raquel Leviss

Wednesday's all-new episode of Vanderpump Rules continues with the drama caused by Raquel Leviss and Tom Schwartz’s kiss and shows several co-stars questioning Tom Sandoval’s relationship with Leviss.

The episode starts with the cast home from Scheana Shay and Brock Davies' wedding in Mexico. Scheana and Brock are writing thank-you notes while James Kennedy and Ally Lewber are unpacking and discussing Schwartz and Raquel's wedding make-outs. James confesses he can see Schwartz and Raquel attempting to "really date," but Ally says, "I don't think so." She says Schwartz is "40 years old and wears PJs out, so I don't see it happening."

Raquel is in the park with Charli Burnett taking pictures for Instagram "content day." Schwartz is at home, talking to himself and his dogs before Katie Maloney arrives to pick them up. Schwartz tries to start a conversation with Katie, but she's not interested in engaging. In an interview, she says, "It's very liberating to know that I don't need to deal with this anymore. This mess isn't my mess."

In an interview, Schwartz says Katie is blowing his kiss with Raquel "way out of proportion" and admits Katie seems "more upset than when I really did cheat on her." While on the phone, Schwartz tells Sandoval he would support Katie no matter what, even if she and Sandoval got married! Sandoval jokes back, "It's funny that you say that..."

At the park, Charli lets Raquel know she's "disappointed" in her after Katie recapped her make-out with Schwartz at an unseen brunch scene. Charli calls Raquel's behavior "distasteful" to her face. Raquel gets defensive when Charli brings up the fact that Scheana's wedding weekend also happened to be Katie and Schwartz's wedding anniversary.

"To be honest, Raquel, I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy. ... I was just like, Raquel's better than that. ... That was kind of a not-cool thing to do." Raquel tells Charli she's "definitely not" going to date Schwartz, and in an interview says she's "not trying to be Debbie Desperado over here." Raquel then tells Charli she's going on a date with Oliver Saunders, whom she met in Las Vegas.

Schwartz and Sandoval are at Schwartz & Sandy's, and Schwartz is scrolling through the comments on his Instagram post from Scheana's wedding. He reads one comment that references him and Raquel, "Come on, bro, did you hit that?" Sandoval laughs and gives Schwartz a funny look. They then discuss their bar's delayed opening.

Their bar manager, Brett, joins their meeting and shares some bad news: the guy building their booths quit and they're over budget on unnecessary things and he's letting go of the kitchen manager Schwartz and Sandoval hired, because "it's just not the right fit for us."

Sandoval is visibly stressed. "Either we open or we are f**ked," he shouts. In an interview, Sandoval says they're $1 million into this business and he's scared about losing his house and his mom's retirement fund. Sandoval and Brett get into a shouting match. Sandoval, in an interview, says Brett's "perfectionism is death." Schwartz tries to calm them down and ultimately is able to break the ice and make Sandoval and Brett laugh.

At Sandoval and Ariana's house, Ariana is making sandwiches just before Katie arrives with a sampling of cheeses. Sandoval serves drinks and they cheers to signing a lease for their sandwich shop space. In an interview, Sandoval admits he's "jealous in a good way, envious" of how much smoother their experience has been than Schwartz and Sandy's.

Katie then downloads Sandoval and Ariana on her current feelings toward Schwartz, and Sandoval launches into a defense of Schwartz and Raquel's kiss in Mexico.

Sandoval asks Katie, "Are you guys not friends anymore because of him and Raquel making out?"

When Katie replies "Yes," Sandoval quickly defends Raquel and Schwartz, saying, "I don't think it was really, like, a big deal. They were just two single people that are decent looking in, like, Mexico that just decided to make out."

Katie and Sandoval share different responses to the situation.

"We've had 900 conversations about it and he's told me a hundred times, 'I'm not interested in her, Nothing's ever gonna happen,'" she explains. "It's too close to home."

Katie adds that there will be an "aftermath" to deal with from her ex-husband kissing someone in the friend group.

Ariana agrees, saying, "Well, they're not friends anymore so there's an aftermath and now it's going to make it really difficult for her and Raquel to be friends."

Katie then slams Raquel, adding, "She's a f**king whore," to which Sandoval responds, "She's not a f**king whore."

Ariana agrees with Sandoval, saying, "She's not a whore. She does not get paid by anyone to do anything," to which Katie replies, "Well, then she should, because she's acting like one."

Katie admits Schwartz's make-out with Raquel shouldn't be shocking to her, because he cheated on her when they were together, but it still hurts. Sandoval continues to defend Schwartz as a single man, but Ariana cuts him off to repeat, "They made a deal," referencing Katie's request that Schwartz not pursue anyone on their cast. Katie says it feels like "disrespect," especially knowing Schwartz would not like it if she started "hopping on all his friends' Ps."

In an interview, Katie says she's "not going to betray myself anymore." Sandoval agrees that Katie's been respectful of Schwartz "for the most part," sharing that Schwartz's friend, Jo, called him crying while she was staying with Schwartz because Katie was "calling and leaving messages." Katie defends it because Schwartz and Jo were -- as Ariana jumps in to describe it -- "being oddly secretive about it."

In an interview, Katie explains that Jo is "literally Kristen Doute's crazy friend, and if you're Kristen Doute's crazy friend, that says a lot about you." The episode flashes to an unseen moment between Schwartz and Jo, in which they tell each other they love each other as she goes out to walk her dog. Back in the interview, Katie shares the text she got from Jo after she and Schwartz announced their divorce.

"She 'will always love and respect me,' and the fact that she moved in with my ex, like, two seconds later? She's like that kinda b***h." Sandoval tells Katie she needs to find "healthy separation," but she says Schwartz is the one who "f**ked up." Ariana defends Katie, saying Schwartz is the one who wanted to stay friends. The conversation circles back to the request of not hooking up with people in their friend group, "If he really wants to go around f**king all his friends, then you don't get my friendship, and for anyone that can't understand that may God have mercy on your soul and pray that no one ever does that to you." The scene ends with a shot of Ariana looking at Sandoval sideways, as he stares blankly ahead at Katie.

The episode moves to Lisa Vanderpump arriving at SUR, and visiting with the hostess before checking in with James at the DJ booth. He lets her know about Schwartz and Raquel's Mexico make-out. Sandoval and Schwartz are also at SUR, having beers. James tells Lisa he finds Raquel's many hookups "weird," which leads Lisa to call him "a little bit jealous."

Lisa finds Schwartz and Sandoval at a private booth; she asks what they're "sniffing around here for." Raquel pops up as their waitress. Lisa asks Schwartz and Raquel if they've seen each other since Mexico, they say no and do an awkward high-five. Raquel proclaims she doesn't see herself dating Schwartz, and he agrees. In an interview, Schwartz says he's looking for "minimal feelings" and not a relationship and says he would hook up with her again but isn't looking for a relationship.

Sandoval tells Raquel it's hard to hear her, so she slides into their booth between Sandoval and Schwartz. Lisa calls out Sandoval for having a smile plastered on his face when Raquel sits next to him. "Why do you like it so much?" she asks. Sandoval doesn't answer verbally but sticks his tongue out and rubs his hands together. They order goat cheese balls and rock shrimp, just before Raquel asks the Toms if they've talked to Katie since Mexico. Sandoval lets Schwartz know he saw a "not happy" Katie earlier in the day. He lets Raquel know Katie called her a "little f**king whore," and her mouth drops open.

In an interview, Raquel says, "Katie is so rude and so b***hy. I'm always trying to grow and be a better version of who I was."

"I think a big thing that has been a roadblock for me is trying to be liked by other people," says Raquel, who starts to cry. "You know, there are people that you surround yourself with that, either charge your battery or drain it. All the girls drain my battery and I don't want to have that in my life."

Lisa asks why Sandoval felt compelled to tell Raquel what Katie said.

Sandoval shares more from his and Ariana's conversation with Katie, and Raquel asks why Katie "assumes that we're f**king." She excuses herself to put their order in; Lisa says Sandoval "probably really upset her." He calls her back over, puts his hand on her shoulder, and asks if she's OK. "I mean, I don't appreciate being called a whore and being slut-shamed for making out with somebody. Like, that's not cool."

In an interview, Sandoval says, “I didn't anticipate Raquel being so upset about Katie calling her a whore. I figured she'd just, like, shrug it off, but I definitely want her to know what people are saying about her.”

Lisa tells Schwartz to "take responsibility."

"I feel like Raquel doesn't have a lot of people in her corner and she's a really sweet girl. She doesn't have a bad bone in her body," Sandoval says.

It's the next morning and Lala Kent's hosting a girls' day at her apartment with Katie, Ally and Kristina Kelly. It's the day before her birthday and she's reflecting on feeling safe and happy in her new apartment, rather than the "torture chamber" of her home with Randall Emmett. Lala fills the ladies in on who's not invited to her b-day dinner -- Raquel, Schwartz and Charli -- just before Katie confirms she's bringing a guy she's seeing to the party. His name is Satchel. Katie admits she thought it would just be a fling, but it's turning into something more, saying, "I came for the D and I stayed for the conversation."

At Lisa's home, Villa Rosa, Schwartz and Sandoval arrive for a meeting. Lisa and her husband, Ken Todd, are in mourning after their 6-year-old toy pony, Rosè, died unexpectedly. They cheers to the late horse before diving into a conversation about Mexico. They then discuss Schwartz and Sandy's and the many issues they're running into trying to open the space. Schwartz calls out Sandoval because "all you do is huff and puff" instead of having solutions to their problems.

Lisa tries to mediate, but things get more heated between the guys. Schwartz rattles off more frustrations he's having with Sandoval, like how he used normal business hours to practice with his band and get his nails done, rather than answer questions Schwartz and their business partners are pressing him on. In an interview, Sandoval defends his band practice as having been "scheduled weeks in advance" and his manicure, saying he's "not about to walk around town with some grubby-ass nails." Lisa gets up and starts pacing, telling the guys they're giving her "terrible anxiety" when she needs levity. Sandoval stands up, too, gets loud with Schwartz, and eventually storms off.

Later, Sandoval is back home with Ariana. He says he's going to run to the store to buy things for a "healthy lifestyle cleanse." They're preparing for Sandoval to get his sperm checked in order to create embryos with Ariana's frozen eggs, 26 of which she harvested two years prior. Ariana tells Sandoval he can't drink or smoke anything for a week.

In an interview, she admits her parenthood and pregnancy plans of never having kids "haven't really changed," but she doesn't like her biological clock having more power "to run anything." She notes that frozen eggs are "more viable" as embryos. Ariana starts reading a checklist of what Tom needs to do and calls out "manage your stress" as an area of improvement.

Sandoval asks Ariana if they're "ever really going to use these eggs for anything," and she says she doesn't know and doesn't care. "I'm not going to get pregnant," she tells him. In an interview, Sandoval confesses to being "excited" to fertilize eggs, but he's also confused about why she wants that if she doesn't want kids.

Back on the couch, Ariana encourages Sandoval to find "more healthy coping mechanisms" than drinking and partying, and Sandoval says, "We all do unhealthy things." Sandoval says it's "tough sometimes" to talk with Ariana because "you literally never agree with me, dude." Sandoval says, this summer specifically, he's felt shut down by Ariana.

"It gets frustrating. It feels like, for the past few months, it's like, I will explain to you a situation, I will explain to you my point of view, and it feels like to me, you are very quick to take the other person's point of view when I tell you something -- and I don't want anyone to ever have my back unconditionally -- but it just, it sometimes makes me feel that you question my intelligence. You think I'm an idiot in ways...," Sandoval says. Ariana cuts him off to say she wouldn't be with anyone she thought was an idiot, and if she thought he was an idiot, she would be "so f**king nice" to him "all the time."

Sandoval says he feels like he annoys Ariana, and she says he annoys her "on purpose" a lot. She says they've been together for a long time, so she can only imagine how annoying he finds her, too.

Lisa arrives at PUMP, where Garcelle Beauvais and her son, Oliver, join her for drinks. Lisa tells Garcelle she "lucked out" by giving Oliver a job; she usually doesn't hire her friends' kids. Garcelle praises Lisa's rosè, saying it's better than anyone else's. In an interview, Lisa throws a little shade Lisa Rinna's way, saying her rosè is better than any rosè "your friends might try to create." Rinna launched her own wine line this year. "If it were me, I'd come up with a unique idea," LVP quips.

Back at the table, Lisa mentions the last time she saw Oliver, he was hanging out with the girls from Vanderpump Rules. They start to discuss his "snog" with Raquel; neither Garcelle nor Oliver knows the meaning of the word. He says he had fun and felt "something" with "super sweet" Raquel. He breaks the news that he has a "rendezvous" planned with Raquel.

Lisa asks him if he's split from his wife, and he says "for months." Oliver adds that they're "working on co-parenting in a healthy way" and he has "the most love for" his ex. Garcelle says her ex, Mike, modeled what a stepdad is for Oliver, who agrees. She then starts to discuss her own love life and needing to "feel" that she's met her guy. She asks Lisa how she knew Ken was her guy, and Lisa answers with a sex joke that Garcelle finds "outrageous."

It's seemingly the next day and the group is getting ready for Lala's birthday. As James and Ally pick out outfits, Ally admits to "starting something last night."

In an interview, Ally says, “Last night at Lala's apartment, I was, like, grabbing my stuff, we were leaving and just chatting, that's when I mentioned like, 'Oh yeah, I saw Sandoval and Raquel dancing together at The Abbey after See You Next Tuesday.'"

She continues, "I thought it was kind of weird. It was like, 1 a.m. and we were like, 'Where's Ariana?' I personally wouldn't be comfortable with it, I guess, to have my boyfriend out at 1 a.m. with girls, but everyone's different."

James mentions how he's noticed Raquel becoming "the best of buds" with the Toms lately, so he "wouldn't put too much into it."

Scheana and Brock arrive at Raquel's apartment.

Kristina arrives at Lala's apartment, bringing Mendocino Farms with her. The two start eating lunch as Lala gives Kristina the low-down on what she's learned about Oliver. Lala's been communicating with Oliver's wife.

Raquel tells Scheana and Brock she's hearing Oliver is not separated from his wife and has been "cheating on her with multiple women."

Lala says she's "about to f**king go in on that ho," as in Raquel.

Scheana and Brock encourage Raquel to talk with Oliver's ex before she goes on her date with Oliver. Raquel gets Oliver's wife, Samantha, on the phone and says she's "so sorry" to hear all of this if he's "still committed to you." She calls it "really f**ked up" he put her in this position and adds, "I'm pissed."

In an interview, Raquel recaps her phone call, claiming Samantha said Oliver has made promises about working on their marriage and how they're still living together, saying, "It just seems so manipulative and selfish." Raquel says he hates "being in this position."

Back at Lala's, she tells Kristina to "keep in mind" how Oliver went home to his wife after making out with Raquel. In an interview, Lala says, "I know this feeling so well. I saw a picture of my ex, literally walking across the street with two chicks. It was nothing about the photo that was telling, yet my gut was telling me everything I need to know."

Raquel apologizes to Samantha once more on the phone, promising to "confront" Oliver about all this on their date. In an interview, she says she's "furious" at Oliver for putting her in this situation. Scheana comforts Raquel and says it's "not fair" for her to be labeled the other woman.

"Once you're labeled a mistress, it never goes away. I've literally been called this for the past almost 17 years!" Shay says.

Kristina puts the pieces together, of Raquel labeling Lala a mistress while dating a married man. "You know what they call that, Kristina?" Lala asks. "It's called a mistress!"

Later, Lala and Kristina arrive at the venue for Lala's birthday. Soon after, Katie and Satchel walk in and Kristina remarks how Katie is "beaming." Ariana and Sandoval show up, followed by Ally and James, then Scheana and Brock.

"It's weird seeing Katie with this actor, shaggy dog-looking motherf**ker," Scheana remarks in confessional. "I mean, he looks like he just got groomed at Vanderpump Dogs." Ariana's friend, Logan, asks if Schwartz is showing up to the birthday, and she says he's not invited and is "having a bath." The episode cuts to Schwartz struggling to get in his bathtub.

The women start talking about the Oliver situation. Katie is shocked to learn he's on a date with Raquel while they're at Lala's birthday.

Oliver arrives at a restaurant for his date with Raquel, who shows up slightly after him. They hug upon her arrival and Oliver admits it's "been a lot." He immediately jumps into the conversation around his relationship. "My son's mom put me on blast for some things I've been doing. It's been a rough day." Raquel says she owes it to Oliver to hear his side of the story but tells him she's spoken to his estranged wife.

Oliver doubles down on being separated and says he's had his own place for eight months. He still goes over to Samantha's place and "things happen sometimes" when "you feel lonely." He says it's not an excuse, but he wants to lay it all on the table. Raquel asks him where he stayed the night they kissed in Vegas. He says at his own place and Raquel says Samantha told her that she and Oliver had sex together that night.

"We did not have sex together that night. Maybe a few days later, and that wasn't the right thing to do," she says. Oliver agrees with Raquel that it's confusing, and he apologizes for involving her in his mess. "I'm very sorry that this is so messy. I'm sorry that you got brought into it, that wasn't my intention. I feel horrible. I do," he says. Raquel says she appreciates the apology, but notes it doesn't make up for the "bashing" she's receiving on social media. "That's unfair," she tells him.

In an interview, Raquel says, "I'm furious with Oliver for making me look a certain way, which is not representative of who I am at all. He's very opening a cheater and hasn't done anything to hide it, or keep his wife from finding out, which makes me think, like, he wants her to feel bad?”

Oliver and Raquel's date awkwardly ends; she seemingly leaves before even getting the drink she ordered.

Later, Raquel hops in an Uber and texts Scheana if the group is still at the birthday party. She says she needs to talk to Lala.

At the party, James asks Lala if she's thankful she's not the one who made out with Oliver. She's fired up. "This b***h sat across from me and goes, 'You're a mistress.' Well, b***h, I wouldn't be so quick to throw daggers at me. I bet your mom's real proud of you, b***h," she says.

Raquel texts Scheana that she's at the venue and asks her to come outside.

"There's a woman on the other end of this that's suffering," Lala says.

"She never thinks about the woman on the other end of it, she never has! She never cared," Katie says.

Scheana finds Raquel outside and gives her a hug. Raquel recaps her date as "nuts" and asks, "Where's Lala?" She says she needs to pull her aside for a second. Scheana walks Raquel into the party and the mood shifts. Lala immediately shouts, "Nuh-uh!" Scheana asks Lala to hear out Raquel. She replies, "What's up, mistress? What's up, mistress?"

In an interview, Lala says she's not surprised or shocked by Raquel showing up uninvited. "I am thrilled about it," she says.

Raquel asks Lala to talk outside, and Lala agrees. At the table, Katie tells Sandoval she finds the whole thing "funny" and calls Raquel a "dumb b***h." Sandoval notes that Katie seems to get "a lot of joy" out of treating Raquel poorly.

In an interview, Sandoval says, “I've seen Katie over the years be a very proactively vindictive person, so she is, like, savoring this like the best piece of Wagyu steak you've ever had.”

Katie tells Sandoval she thinks he gets "a lot of joy out of Raquel, as well." Sandoval replies with, "Yeah, cool person." Katie asks him about going to The Abbey together at 1 a.m. "Dude, what even the f**k are you saying, dude?" a defensive Sandoval asks. "Get the f**k out of here, man."

Outside, Raquel says she didn't intend to crash Lala's birthday, but Lala says it's all good because getting to confront her about the mistress stuff is "the best gift." Raquel apologizes for calling Lala a mistress. "Because you're one?" Lala asks, and Raquel actually agrees. "Yeah, after today! Like, my whole world got turned upside down." Lala says Raquel should've been asking Oliver more questions upfront.

"I didn't realize how easily a man can mislead you into thinking it is one way and it's, like, completely the opposite," Raquel admits. Lala says Raquel now knows how it feels and warns her that Oliver will get off "pretty squeaky clean," while Raquel will "take the brunt." They both agree they don't want beef any longer. Raquel says she now sees Lala's situation differently than she did before.

In an interview, Raquel says, “I feel that being single for the first time in my adult life has allowed me the time to reflect upon who I am as a person. I think in the past, I had limited myself to only holding my own worth based on other people's value of me, whereas now, I'm ready to break that.”

Lala says she never thought Raquel was actually a mistress. They hug it out and Raquel leaves the party as the episode ends.

Sandoval and Ariana first began dating in 2013, and ET confirmed that the Vanderpump Rules co-stars had called it quits on March 3, around the same time that news broke of Sandoval's months-long affair with Raquel.

Sandoval claimed last week, however, that he and Ariana actually ended things on Valentine's Day, before she learned of the infidelity (but not before it began). The confusion, he said, was because Ariana was "fully in denial" about their breakup.

Meanwhile, ET exclusively reported on Friday that Raquel had checked herself into a mental health treatment facility.

Vanderpump Rules airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Bravo.


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