US Holocaust Museum weighs in on Keller schools pulling Anne Frank graphic novel


The Keller school district in North Texas is getting national attention after its controversial move to take all books that had been challenged during the past year out of classrooms and libraries the day before classes were to begin Wednesday.

The list of challenged books included “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation” and all versions of the Bible.

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. appeared to weigh in, posting on Twitter that Anne Frank’s diary is often the first encounter that students have with Holocaust history.

[MORE: Here are all the books Keller schools pulled from shelves]

CNN also picked up the story, and the New York Post mentioned it in a tweet.

Stand-up comedian and podcast host Steve Hofstetter asked how a child could be too young to read about Anne Frank but participate in active shooter drills.

Other critics on Wednesday also took to Twitter to express their opinions about the school district’s action, particularly about Anne Frank.

Laney Hawes, who served on the committee to review “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation,” protested the district’s stance on Twitter, stating that the removal violates children’s constitutional rights.
