University of Missouri-Kansas City to offer in-state tuition for out-of-state residents

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Officials with the University of Missouri-Kansas City announced Wednesday an expansion of scholarships and awards aimed toward increased college affordability, including one that would offer the lower cost of in-state tuition to students residing outside the state.

Called the Roo Nation Award, the program offers newly enrolled nonresidents — who are U.S. citizens — to get the lower in-state tuition rate so long as they transfer in with a minimum 3.0 GPA, according to a university press release.

“We are committed to making higher education affordable to the Kansas City community, all of Missouri and Kansas and beyond,” Jenny Lundgren, the university’s provost and executive vice chancellor, said in a statement. “These programs remove financial barriers that stand in the way of people earning the credentials needed to launch a professional career.”

The program was scheduled to be put in place for the Fall 2023 semester. That scholarship is not offered to medical, pharmacy, dentistry or law students.

Officials also announced a second program, dubbed the Roo Advantage Scholarship. It promises a free college education to those who are eligible for a Pell Grant, the federal program offered to students with greater financial needs than most. That scholarship was being made available to students for the upcoming fall semester.

Madison Atkins, a junior studying education, said in the university’s statement that the scholarship has made her consider pursuing a graduate degree sooner than she expected to.

“I was really worried about the student loans from my bachelor’s, and so I had planned to graduate and then work a couple of years before coming back. Now I can work right through,” Atkins said. “That just wouldn’t have been an option for me before.”
