Ultimate Spider-Man Variant Covers Reset Peter Parker's Dad Life

Ultimate Spider-Man 12

The upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man is promising to reset Peter Parker and his many foes, as Marvel kicks off a new universe for its most popular heroes.

In Ultimate Spider-Man, the Maker uses time-travel to create a world where superheroes don’t exist. By the time Peter Parker discovers this plot, he’s much older than the regular teenage Peter Parker, and is already married to Mary Jane - complete with a couple of fast-growing and cute ginger offspring.

"When we decided that we were going to do a book about an older Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man, we really wanted to lean into him starting his super hero life from a very different place than what's traditionally expected," said writer Jonathan Hickman. "Peter and MJ being married is one of many decisions we made that underline this being quite a 'different' kind of Spider-Man story."

You can see the covers for the first three issues of Ultimate Spider-Man and multiple variant covers, as well as a few interior panels, in the gallery below.

<p> ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #1 Costume Cover Tease Variant Cover A by Marco Checchetto</p><p>Marvel Comics</p>

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #1 Costume Cover Tease Variant Cover A by Marco Checchetto

Marvel Comics

View the 19 images of this gallery on the original article

Ultimate Spider-Man follows Hickman’s recent miniseries Ultimate Invasion, and there are Ultimate series lined up for Black Panther and X-Men beginning in February.

While it's looking forward with the Ultimate Universe, Marvel is also celebrating its histry next year, producing a series of painted variant covers from the Marvel Masterpieces trading card collection.

Also due in early 2024 is the Avengers: Twilight series, which imagines a corrupt group of Avengers fighting a resistance lead by none-other than Steve Rogers.
