Ukraine-Russia war - live: Biden’s $325m package for Zelensky as Pentagon says Abram tanks ‘on schedule’

Joe Biden has announced a new $325m military aid package for Ukraine that will include air defence systems and other weaponry to help Kyiv face a tough winter, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said.

The announcement came as he met Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House after the Ukrainian leader had what he said were “frank” conversations with members of Congress over future support.

This comes as the Pentagon announced “everything is on schedule” after being asked about the timing of the top-tier Abram tanks in the war zone for Ukraine.

“For security reasons, I’m not going to be able to go into specifics in terms of when the tanks will arrive, other than to say that we expect them to arrive in Ukraine in the coming days and weeks,” Pentagon spokesperson brigadier general Patrick Ryder said in his briefing with reporters.

Earlier, experts said Russian military chiefs had ordered troops to carry out “ill-conceived and unsupported” counterattacks in Bakhmut to urgently regain lost ground.

One military blogger reportedly observed that “hysterical” counterattacks were depleting Russian resources and reserves.

Key Points

  • Russian army ‘launching ill-judged attacks’

  • Poland to stop arming Ukraine for its counteroffensive

  • Deadly Russian airstrikes across six cities including Kyiv

  • UN incapable of defending borders, says Ukraine’s leader

  • Russia violating UN Charter, Zelensky tells security council

Ukrainian counteroffensive pushes through Putin’s final line of defence

08:19 , Alex Ross

We bring the news this morning that Ukrainian tanks have reportedly cut through Putin’s final line of defence in western Zaporizhia Oblast signalling a big breakthrough.

The Institute of Study of War claims it is the first time Kyiv tanks have broken through Russia’s strong defensive layer of anti-tank ditches and obstacles.

The ISW cannot confirm the Ukrainian troops have fully broken through Russia’s defensive layer, but the report this morning indicates progress in the counteroffensive.

We’ll bring more as we get it on the Ukrainian offensive in the south of the country.

Ukrainian servicemen walk through a charred forest at the frontline a few kilometers from Andriivka, Donetsk region (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
Ukrainian servicemen walk through a charred forest at the frontline a few kilometers from Andriivka, Donetsk region (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Where is Zaporizhia Oblast?

09:15 , Alex Ross

Zaporizhia Oblast, commonly known as Zaporizhia, is a southern region of Ukraine.

The apparent counteroffensive breakthrough is significant as the region has been under Russian military occupation since 2022.

About 70 per cent of the area is under Russian control, according to a Ukrainian travel guide.

The region was key for Ukraine’s industry and agriculture industries.

Russian strike near Ukraine’s eastern front

08:45 , Alex Ross

A Russian attack on a town west of Donetsk near Ukraine’s eastern front has injured 13 people, including one pulled out from under rubble, an official from the area was quoted as saying early on Friday.

There were two strikes on the town, sparking a fire, according to Roman Padun, administrative head of the town of Kurakhove, speaking to public broadcaster Suspilne.

He gave no details on what weapons had been used. Photos posted on social media showed several buildings ablaze. Reuters was unable to independently verify the reports.

Kurakhove is near Maryinka, a town near the front line still held by Ukraine but under Russian attack for many months.

Local resident Irina walks around her neighbours' apartment, which was damaged by recent shelling in the course of Russia-Ukraine conflict, (REUTERS)
Local resident Irina walks around her neighbours' apartment, which was damaged by recent shelling in the course of Russia-Ukraine conflict, (REUTERS)

ICYMI - ‘If we don’t get aid we will lose the war'

08:06 , Lydia Patrick

Volodymyr Zelensky made a passionate plea to American lawmakers at Capitol Hill as his second trip to Washington – since the Ukraine invasion – came to an end.

The Ukrainian president got a $325m aid package from the Biden administration as he wrapped up his second visit, said to be more muted compared to the hype that surrounded his earlier one.

However, senate majority leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday summed up an impassioned plea made by the wartime president to American lawmakers even as Republicans debate flow of financial aid to Ukraine for more than 20 months now.

“There was a single sentence that summed it all up, and I’m quoting him verbatim. Mr Zelensky said: ‘If we don’t get the aid we will lose the war’,” Mr Schumer told reporters.

Read the full report here

Zelensky makes passionate plea to US lawmakers on key Washington visit

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) walks with U.S. President Joe Biden down the colonnade to the Oval Office during a visit to the White House September 21, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Getty Images)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) walks with U.S. President Joe Biden down the colonnade to the Oval Office during a visit to the White House September 21, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Getty Images)

Zelensky to visit Canada

07:32 , Lydia Patrick

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday makes his first visit to close ally Canada, where he is guaranteed a warmer welcome than he received from the U.S.

Some poltiicans in the U.S. were skeptical about providing more military aid during his visit to Washington yesterday.

Canada is one of Kyiv’s staunchest supporters in the war against Russia and is set to announce during the visit that it is sending more weapons to Ukraine, according to a government official.

Trudeau and Zelensky
Trudeau and Zelensky

“Canada will continue to support Ukraine as long as it takes and we will always stand firm to defend the rule of law and the international rules based order,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters in New York on Thursday.

Zelenskiy is due to address parliament in Ottawa and then hold a news conference with Trudeau. He spoke to legislators virtually in March 2022.

Ihor Michalchyshyn, executive director of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress lobby group, said Canada was influential given its membership of both the Group of Seven countries and NATO and noted all Canadian political parties support Ukraine.

“So I think it’s appropriate for the president to be expecting and asking more from his Canadian partners,” he said in an interview. “If friends of Ukraine want Ukraine to win the war, then the only way that happens is with renewed and more military support.”

There are 1.4 million people of Ukrainian descent in Canada.

UN incapable of stopping aggressors invading other countries, says Zelensky

07:00 , Jane Dalton

ICYMI: The UN is incapable of preventing aggressors like Vladimir Putin from invading other countries, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky has claimed, as he made an impassioned call for reform of the General Assembly and Security Council to end Russia’s war on his country:

UN incapable of stopping aggressor invading another country, says Zelensky

Standing ovation for Ukraine’s first lady

06:00 , Jane Dalton

Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska, won a standing ovation after speaking at Georgetown University:


Abram tanks ‘on schedule’ for Ukraine, says Pentagon

05:40 , Arpan Rai

Pentagon has announced “everything is on schedule” after being asked about the timing of the top-tier Abram tanks in the war zone for Ukraine.

“For security reasons, I’m not going to be able to go into specifics in terms of when the tanks will arrive, other than to say that we expect them to arrive in Ukraine in the coming days and weeks,” Pentagon spokesperson brigadier general Patrick Ryder said in his briefing with reporters.

The US has pledged to send 31 of its M1 Abram battle tanks, worth an estimated $400m, to Ukraine to help the resistance fight back against the Russian onslaught.

Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky has said he believes tanks are crucial to replenish his nation’s military hardware ahead of what he says will be increased Russian offences in the spring, with intense fighting already seen in eastern Ukraine for weeks.

Kyiv also wants them to boost its bid to recapture territory taken by Moscow’s forces earlier in the conflict.

Read what are Abrams tanks and why is the US sending them to Ukraine here:

What are Abrams tanks and why is the US sending them to Ukraine?

Why new fighting in Azerbaijan’s troubled region may herald new war

04:55 , Jane Dalton

ICYMI: Azerbaijan’s launch of reportedly intense artillery firing in the Nagorno-Karabakh region on Tuesday raised fears that another full-scale conflict with Armenia could be under way:

Why new fighting in Azerbaijan's troubled region may herald a new war

We want the world to support you, says Biden

03:50 , Jane Dalton

“The American people are determined to see to it that we do all we can to ensure the world stands with you,” Joe Biden assured Volodymyr Zelensky, as the pair met in the White House.

“That is our overwhelming objective.”


Russia’s leverage on grain to drop, US official says

02:45 , Jane Dalton

Russia’s leverage over Ukraine’s export of grain via the Black Sea is likely to erode in weeks to come as more ships are able to leave Ukrainian ports and rising costs could prompt Moscow to reconsider its abandonment of the grain deal, a senior US State Department official said.

James O’Brien, head of the State Department Office of Sanctions Coordination, said leaders at the UN General Assembly this week discussed efforts to revive the deal, which Russia abandoned in July.

Western countries have accused Russia of using food as a weapon of war by quitting the Black Sea deal, which had helped bring down global food prices, and then carrying out repeated air strikes on Ukrainian ports and grain stores.

‘I have buried more than 50 friends’: My life as a British soldier on Ukraine’s front line

01:40 , Jane Dalton

“ I fired 140 rounds that day, our guns were hot in our hands. The Russians were no more than 10 [or] 15 meters away, it was all a bit crazy.”

A British former soldier with the International Legion recalls his brutal close-quarters battles with Russian soldiers and the friends he has lost:

What life is like for the British fighters on the Ukraine frontline against Russia

EU official backs Zelensky call for UN reform

Friday 22 September 2023 00:35 , Jane Dalton

A top European Union official has backed President Zelensky’s call for reform of the UN, saying Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has exposed an urgent need for changing the “sclerotic and hobbled” global decision-making.

Charles Michel, the president of the European Council of EU leaders, expressed support for calls to limit veto powers at the UN Security Council under emergency conditions and to broaden the body’s global representation.

“For the last 19 months, a permanent member of the Security Council — Russia — without any shame, has been undertaking a war to conquer its neighboring country,” Michel said, speaking on the third day of the annual UN General Assembly meeting of world leaders.

The European Union is a permanent observer at the UN.

“It can even abuse his veto rights to prevent sanctions against itself and even use the Security Council to disseminate propaganda, disinformation and lies — let’s be honest,” he said.

On Wednesday, Mr Zelensky said humankind could no longer rely on the UN to defend any national borders.

Russian military must fear Nato conflict, peers told

Thursday 21 September 2023 23:30 , Jane Dalton

Russia’s military hierarchy must be aware “an actual and not fictitious war” with Nato is possible if they overdo things in Ukraine, according to a former Nato secretary general:

‘Need to breed’ fear of Nato conflict risk among Russian military, peers told

Zelensky had ‘very strong dialogue with senators’

Thursday 21 September 2023 22:30 , Jane Dalton


Zelensky says he had ‘very strong dialogue with senators’ in closed-door meeting

Zelensky shares hope for more US aid to Ukraine in Oval Office meeting with Biden

Thursday 21 September 2023 21:28 , Jane Dalton

Volodymyr Zelensky appealed for the United States to continue to support his country as he visited Congress, amid a fight among Republicans about whether to continue US support for Ukraine’s defence against Russia.

The Ukrainian leader said he felt “trust” between himself and top American officials and expressed gratitude for the defence support that has allowed his armed forces to “combat Russian terror” as he capped his visit to Washington with an Oval Office meeting alongside President Joe Biden.

Zelensky shares hope for more US aid to Ukraine in Oval Office meeting with Biden

Quiet reception for Zelensky in Washington

Thursday 21 September 2023 20:49 , Jane Dalton

Volodymyr Zelensky worked to shore up US support for Ukraine on a whirlwind visit to Washington, delivering an upbeat message on the war’s progress.

The Ukrainian leader received a far quieter reception than the hero’s welcome he got last year, but also won generally favourable comments on the aid he says he needs to stave off defeat.

Mr Zelensky went to the Capitol with a firm message in private talks with Republican and Democratic leaders.

The Ukrainians have a solid war plan, and “are winning,” politicians quoted him as saying.

Mr Zelensky also spoke with military leaders at the Pentagon, where defence secretary Lloyd Austin greeted him without the usual ceremonial band or fanfare typical of a high-level visit.

At Congress, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who faces opposition among far-right Republicans aligned with former President Donald Trump on support for Ukraine, notably chose not to join House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries in greeting the Ukrainian president when he arrived at the Capitol.

US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Mark Milley, Ukrainian first lady Olena Zelenska, Volodymyr Zelensky and US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin (Getty Images)
US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Mark Milley, Ukrainian first lady Olena Zelenska, Volodymyr Zelensky and US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin (Getty Images)

Bidens greet Zelensky at White House

Thursday 21 September 2023 20:42 , Jane Dalton

President Zelensky and his wife, Olena Zelenska, received a warm greeting from his US counterpart, Joe Biden, and his wife, Jill, at the White House.

The four posed for photographs before going indoors for talks.

Earlier, the Ukrainian leader met US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Zelensky visits Capitol Hill amid Republican infighting over Ukraine support

Thursday 21 September 2023 20:28 , Jane Dalton

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Capitol Hill to appeal for the United States to continue to support his country amid a fight amongst Republicans about whether to continue US support for Ukraine’s defence against Russia.

Mr Zelensky arrived on Capitol Hill Thursday morning and attended an all-senators briefing to impress upon the upper chamber the importance of continued funding for his country’s efforts to repel a Russian invading force amid a long-awaited counteroffensive that has seen Ukraine reclaim previously Russian-occupied territory.

Read more from Eric Garcia and Andrew Feinberg here:

Zelensky visits Capitol Hill amid Republican infighting over Ukraine support

Biden to announce new military aid and air defence for Ukraine

Thursday 21 September 2023 19:30 , Natalie Crockett

President Joe Biden will announce a new military aid package for Ukraine on Thursday that will include air defence systems and other weaponry to help Kyiv ahead of a tough winter.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the timing of the package coincided with the White House visit by Ukraine President Volodomyr Zelensky.

Russian cannot be disregarded, Turkey’s President Erodgan says

Thursday 21 September 2023 18:53 , Natalie Crockett

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said he does not agree with the negative approach other leaders are showing towards his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, Turkish media report.

Speaking to reporters in New York after attending the United Nations General Assembly, Erdogan repeated he was hopeful a solution could be found to revive the Black Sea grain initiative with Russia and Ukraine.

Erdogan said Russia could not be disregarded (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
Erdogan said Russia could not be disregarded (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Watch live as Zelensky makes first visit of war to Pentagon

Thursday 21 September 2023 18:05 , Jane Dalton

Lloyd Austin, the US defense secretary, welcomes Volodymyr Zelensky to the Pentagon:

Watch as Zelensky makes first visit to US Pentagon since outbreak of Ukraine war

Why Poland has stopped supplying weapons to Ukraine

Thursday 21 September 2023 17:34 , Jane Dalton

Tensions reaching boiling point between the two neighbours after Volodymyr Zelensky said some countries were “feigning solidarity by indirectly supporting Russia” with a ban on grain imports:

Why has Poland stopped supplying weapons to Ukraine?

Zelensky accuses certain ‘friends in Europe’ of playing into Russia’s hands

Thursday 21 September 2023 17:05 , Jane Dalton


Zelensky accuses ‘some friends in Europe’ of playing into Russia’s hands

Five Bulgarians charged with spying for Russia

Thursday 21 September 2023 16:48 , Jane Dalton

Five Bulgarians suspected of spying for Russia will be charged with conspiracy to conduct espionage, prosecutors say:

Five Bulgarians charged in UK with spying for Russia

Ukraine ‘inflicts significant losses on Russia'

Thursday 21 September 2023 16:05 , Jane Dalton

Ukrainian forces inflicted significant losses on Russian manpower and equipment in the direction of the western Zaporizhia region yesterday, military chiefs say.

The Ukrainian General Staff also reported that their forces continued offensive actions in the Bakhmut direction, the Institute for the Study of War reported.

The UK Ministry of Defence said Ukrainian forces secured positions in Klishchiivka near Bakhmut and Andriivka nearby and that Russian redeployments of airborne forces had weakened Moscow’s defences around Bakhmut.

Putin's panicked commanders 'launching ill-judged attacks to recapture lost ground'

Thursday 21 September 2023 15:57 , Jane Dalton

Russia’s military command has ordered troops to carry out “ill-conceived and unsupported” counterattacks on Bakhmut’s southern flank to urgently regain lost ground, according to Russian servicemen and military bloggers, the Institute for the Study of War reports.

Elements of a mobilised unit published a video appeal in which the soldiers claim they abandoned their military equipment in the Klishchiivka area southwest of Bakhmut after receiving an order from the Russian military command to form an assault group and attack in the Bakhmut direction.

The servicemen from Altai Krai’s 1st Battalion of the 1442nd Regiment reportedly said the Russian military command began deploying different types of personnel to the front lines, including soldiers resting in the rear, without providing them with enough working artillery shells.

The shells apparently did not explode when fired - thought to be a result of Russian efforts to speed up production of shells and skipping quality assurance measures to do so.

The troops added that the unit was suffering from low morale after reports that Ukrainian forces destroyed most of a Russian regiment and almost an entire retreating assault group in the area.

They claimed they had to rely on small arms, whereas the Ukrainians had artillery.

Relatives of soldiers in the regiment have previously appealed to Vladimir Putin after troops were beaten for refusing to carry out an assault a week ago.

Pictured: Zelensky arrives at US Senate

Thursday 21 September 2023 15:24 , Alexander Butler

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)
 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Zelensky is ‘best messenger’ for perusading US to continue support

Thursday 21 September 2023 15:10 , Alexander Butler

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby called the Ukrainian president “our best messenger” in persuading U.S. lawmakers to keep vital U.S. money and weapons coming.“It’s really important for members of Congress to be able to hear directly from the president about what he’s facing in this counteroffensive,” Kirby told reporters Wednesday, “and how he’s achieving his goals, and what he needs to continue to achieve those goals.”Biden has called on world leaders to stand strong with Ukraine, even as he faces domestic political divisions at home. A hard-right flank of Republicans, led by former President Donald Trump, Biden’s chief rival in the 2024 race for the White House, is increasingly opposed to sending more money overseas.

Election 2024 Trump (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
Election 2024 Trump (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

As the White House worked to shore up support for Ukraine before Zelenskyy’s visit, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and top intelligence officials briefed senior lawmakers behind closed doors Wednesday to argue the case.But some Senate Republicans walked out of the briefing no more convinced than before about the necessity of spending more on Ukraine. “It’s not close to the end,” Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, said. “What we’re basically told is, ‘Buckle up and get out your checkbook.”’

Pictured: Zelensky arrives in Washington DC

Thursday 21 September 2023 14:55 , Alexander Butler

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky arrives in Washington DC (Getty Images)
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky arrives in Washington DC (Getty Images)
A framed flag signed by front-line Ukrainian fighters in Bakhmut and presented to the U.S. Congress in 2022, sits at one end of the table where Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet privately with U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (REUTERS)
A framed flag signed by front-line Ukrainian fighters in Bakhmut and presented to the U.S. Congress in 2022, sits at one end of the table where Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet privately with U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (REUTERS)

Zelensky faces US lawmakers in Capitol Hill

Thursday 21 September 2023 14:41 , Alexander Butler

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky returned to Washington on Thursday for a whirlwind one-day visit, this time to face the Republicans now questioning the flow of American dollars that for 19 months has kept his troops in the fight against Russian forces.Zelensky arrived at the Capitol to talk privately with Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate as the world is watching Western support for Kyiv. He will also meet with President Joe Biden at the White House and will speak with U.S. military leaders at the Pentagon.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky walks with Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (Getty Images)
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky walks with Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (Getty Images)

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries escorted Zelensky into the Capitol, opening a crucial Washington stop for the Ukrainian president following his appearance before the U.N. General Assembly in New York.It is Zelensky’s second visit to Washington since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and comes as Biden’s request to Congress for an additional $24 billion for Ukraine’s military and humanitarian needs is hanging in the balance.

Russia downed all Ukrainian missiles that tried to attack Crimea air base, official claims

Thursday 21 September 2023 14:25 , Alexander Butler

Russian forces shot down all Ukrainian missiles that attempted to attack the Saky air base in Crimea, Oleg Kryuchkov, an adviser to the Russian-installed head of the local administration Sergei Aksyonov, wrote on Telegram on Thursday.

Ukraine’s military said its forces had struck the Russian air base in Crimea overnight, confirming an attack that a Ukrainian intelligence source had earlier told Reuters was carried out by the SBU security service and navy using drones and Neptune cruise missiles.

Five Bulgarian nationals charged in UK with spying for Russia

Thursday 21 September 2023 14:10 , Alexander Butler

Five Bulgarians suspected of spying for Russia will be charged with conspiracy to conduct espionage, the Crown Prosecution Service says.

Nick Price, head of the Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, said: “The CPS has authorised a charge of conspiracy to conduct espionage against three men and two women suspected of spying for Russia.

“Orlin Roussev, 45, Bizer Dzhambazov, 41, Katrin Ivanova, 31, Ivan Stoyanov, 31, and Vanya Gaberova, 29, will be charged with conspiring to collect information intended to be directly or indirectly useful to an enemy for a purpose prejudicial to the safety and interest of the state between 30 August 2020 and 8 February 2023.

Why has Poland stopped supplying weapons to Ukraine?

Thursday 21 September 2023 13:56 , Alexander Butler

Poland has announced it will no longer be sending weapons to Ukraine amid growing tension between Warsaw and Kyiv after a ban on Ukrainian grain imports was extended.

Prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki said he would instead be investing the money in arming Poland, which has been one of Ukraine’s staunchest allies since Russia invaded last year, with the most “modern weapons”.

The Russian invasion led to a surge in Ukrainian grain ending up in Europe (Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
The Russian invasion led to a surge in Ukrainian grain ending up in Europe (Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

The announcement coincides with tensions reaching boiling point between the two neighbours after Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky said some countries were “feigning solidarity by indirectly supporting Russia” with a ban on grain imports.

The Russian invasion led to a surge in Ukrainian grain ending up in Europe as the main Black Sea shipping lanes all but closed. Read here for more information.

Lack of rotations key factor in lowering Russian army’s morale, MoD says

Thursday 21 September 2023 13:40 , Alexander Butler

The absence of regular rotations of units on combat duty is “highly likely” one of the key aspects contributing to the Russian army’s low morale and inability to carry out advanced training since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, the UK’s Ministry of Defence said.

“The lack of such training is highly likely contributing to Russia’s difficulties in conducting successful complex offensive operations,” the ministry wrote in its latest intelligence update.

Pictured: a medical worker assists an injured woman in Kyiv

Thursday 21 September 2023 13:25 , Alexander Butler

A medical worker assists an injured woman in Kyiv (EPA)
A medical worker assists an injured woman in Kyiv (EPA)

Pictured: A woman stands by a damaged window of her flat in Kyiv

Thursday 21 September 2023 13:10

A woman stands by a damaged window of her flat in Kyiv (EPA)
A woman stands by a damaged window of her flat in Kyiv (EPA)

Ukrainian military confirms Crimea attack

Thursday 21 September 2023 12:55 , Alexander Butler

Ukraine’s military said on Thursday its forces had struck a Russian air base in Crimea overnight, confirming an attack that was earlier reported by a Ukrainian intelligence source.

A brief military statement said the Saky air base in western Crimea had been attacked by Ukraine’s defence forces, but gave no further details.

The intelligence source told Reuters the attack was carried out by the SBU security service and navy using drones and Neptune cruise missiles. The attack “hit the target and caused serious damage” to equipment at the air base, the source said.

Russia did not immediately comment on the reports. The Russian military said earlier on Thursday that it had destroyed 19 Ukrainian drones over Crimea and the Black Sea, and gave no details on casualties or damage.

Zelensky seeks more air defence systems after Russian attack

Thursday 21 September 2023 12:40 , Alexander Butler

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky underlined his country’s need for more air defence systems on Thursday after Russia launched its biggest attack on Ukraine in weeks.

“Last night, Russian terrorists launched another massive attack. In particular, on infrastructure. Most of the missiles were shot down. But only most of them. Not all of them,” he said on the Telegram messaging app.

“More air defence. More sanctions. More support for Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines,” he wrote during a visit to the United States, where he said air defence systems would be on the agenda of talks.

Poland weapons ban isn’t a sign of Western weakness, US official claims

Thursday 21 September 2023 12:04 , Alexander Butler

A US official who recently visited Poland dismissed suggestions that Mateusz Morawiecki’s comments were a sign of cracks in Western solidarity with Ukraine.

The official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity about the Polish prime minister’s comments, said:

We’re all human and there are moments of tension... But that doesn’t mean that there’s going to be some dramatic shift in alliance unity or even Poland’s fundamental position and determination to support Ukraine for as long as it takes.

Poland weapons ban isn’t a sign of Western weakness, US official claims

Thursday 21 September 2023 12:03 , Alexander Butler

A US official who recently visited Poland dismissed suggestions that Mateusz Morawiecki’s comments were a sign of cracks in Western solidarity with Ukraine.

The official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity about the Polish prime minister’s comments, said:

We’re all human and there are moments of tension... But that doesn’t mean that there’s going to be some dramatic shift in alliance unity or even Poland’s fundamental position and determination to support Ukraine for as long as it takes.

Russia targeting energy facilities, Kyiv claims

Thursday 21 September 2023 11:40 , Alexander Butler

Russia has resumed its campaign of targeting Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, Kyiv believes, after a power station was hit early this morning.

Energy minister Herman Galushchenko said: “The most difficult season is approaching, which will not be easier than the previous winter. Enemy attacks have already begun.

“Today, after a long break, we had the first enemy attack on an energy facility in western Ukraine. And it is obvious there will be more and more of them closer to winter.”

Pictured: An elderly woman sits near her home in Kyiv where debris from a missile fell

Thursday 21 September 2023 11:25 , Alexander Butler

An elderly woman sits near her home in Kyiv where debris from a missile fell (EPA)
An elderly woman sits near her home in Kyiv where debris from a missile fell (EPA)

Poland to keep sending ‘previously-agreed weapons deals’

Thursday 21 September 2023 12:06 , Alexander Butler

Warsaw has pledged to fulfil existing arms deals with Ukraine after saying it would cut off equipment to its war-torn neighbour.

“Poland will only carry out previously agreed deliveries of ammunition and armaments. Including those resulting from contracts signed with Ukraine,” government spokesman Piotr Muller said.

Ukraine and Slovakia come to grain agreement

Thursday 21 September 2023 10:55 , Alexander Butler

Slovakia and Ukraine’s agricultural ministers have agreed to set up a licensing system for trading in grains, which would allow a ban on imports of four Ukrainian commodities to Slovakia to be lifted once the system is set up, Reuters reports the Slovak Agriculture Ministry said on Thursday.

Ukraine also agreed to halt a complaint over the import ban that it had filed against Slovakia with the World Trade Organization.

Poland’s agricultural minister is reportedly currently in a phone conversation with Ukraine’s equivalent.

Ship with Ukraine grain back in Turkey under "humanitarian corridor"

Thursday 21 September 2023 10:40 , Alexander Butler

The first vessel loaded with grain from Ukraine to sail in and out of the Black Sea using a temporary corridor arrived off Turkey’s Bosphorus Strait on Thursday.

The cargo ship “Resilient Africa”, left the Ukrainian port of Chornomorsk this week with 3,000 metric tons of grain, Kyiv said.

Ukraine announced last month a “humanitarian corridor” to release ships bound for African and Asian markets and to circumvent a de facto blockade after Russia abandoned a deal this summer that had guaranteed its exports during the war.

Pictured: Kyiv resident removes damaged door after strikes

Thursday 21 September 2023 10:25 , Alexander Butler

A Kyiv resident dismantles a door that was destroyed during Russian missile strikes (REUTERS)
A Kyiv resident dismantles a door that was destroyed during Russian missile strikes (REUTERS)

Defences still intact on southern defensive line, pro-Russian official claims

Thursday 21 September 2023 10:10 , Alexander Butler

Russian sources are claiming that a Ukrainian attack around the village of Verbove in Zaporizhzhia was repelled.

Vladimir Rogov, a Kremlin-backed official in the region, said attack drones “covered an assault group of Ukrainian militants and forced them to retreat”.

Rybar, a pro-Russian blogger, said Kyiv was focusing on piercing defences between Robotyne and Verbove but was being held off “at the moment”.

However, footage appears to show Kyiv’s armoured vehicles pushing through the main line of defences west of the settlement.
