These Types Of Birth Control Can Lighten Up Your Period Or Make It Totally Disappear

If you're thinking about starting birth control, you may have a few lingering questions about what side effects you'll have to deal with after you go on it. And not all hormonal birth control users take it as a form of contraception. In fact, many women use it to alleviate PMS symptoms such as cramping, acne, and migraines. It can also help with irregular periods or excessive bleeding, or even stop your period.

How birth control will impact their period is of the most common concerns from women. While some people continue to have a regular cycle, some have irregular cycles, and others stop their periods altogether. "While on birth control, you should continue to get a period every month, but some may cause your period to stop," says Jessica Shepherd, MD, WH advisory board member and chief medical officer at Verywell Health.

It's important to thoroughly go through your options with your doctor to make sure you're getting what you want (and avoiding what you don't want) out of your experience with birth control. It's also common to have to switch your birth control if you're experiencing other unpleasant changes.

"Other changes that can occur while on birth control include an increase or decrease in menstrual bleeding or other side effects like cramping, or you might experience heavier or lighter periods," says Dr. Shepherd. "Everyone’s body is different, so you won’t know how your body will react to birth control until you’re on it."

Meet the experts: Jessica Shepherd, MD, is an ob-gyn, member of Women's Health advisory board, and chief medical officer at Verywell Health. Lauren Demosthenes, MD, is an ob-gyn and senior medical director with Babyscripts.

Curious to learn more? Read on for everything there is to know about how birth control affects your period.

Which types of birth control can cause your period to stop?

Regardless of which option you prefer, most forms of hormonal birth control will have some sort of impact on your period.

"With the change in the uterine lining, the bleeding pattern will change. Most of the time, these methods will lessen the bleeding—even leading to the absence of bleeding. But this is OK, and not a sign of a problem," says Lauren Demosthenes, an ob-gyn and Senior Medical Director with Babyscripts. "These methods are often used to treat bothersome periods even in women who are not sexually active or have had permanent sterilization."

Here's how each form of birth control compares:

The Pill

The pill is an orally consumed form of birth control that contains estrogen and progestin. These hormones prevent your ovaries from releasing an egg, slow the egg's path through the fallopian tubes, thicken cervical mucus, and thin the lining of the uterus to prevent sperm from connecting with the egg, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Many users of the pill take it to slow down or stop their period if they have heavier flows.

The Patch

Like the pill, the patch also contains estrogen and progestin. But instead of a daily uptake, the user wears puts on the patch once a week for three weeks. On the fourth week of their cycle, they don't wear a patch, which allows menstruation to occur, per the Mayo Clinic.

The pill and patches can both stop your period, but it's "often done on purpose by user choice," says Dr. Shepherd.

The Shot

The shot, commonly referred to as Depo-Provera, is a medroxyprogesterone acetate shot that contains progestin. It's taken once every three months and is administered by your doctor. Depo-Provera will operate in your system the same way the pill does in terms of preventing the egg from being released and thickening the mucus, per the Mayo Clinic.

"Those who take a shot may experience fewer periods or extended periods of time where they don’t menstruate," Dr. Shepherd notes. The shot can also be used to manage your period if need be, adds Dr. Demosthenes.


The IUD is a form of birth control that is implanted in the cervix. The copper IUD does not have hormones, but the plastic versions release progestin. These can last anywhere between five to seven years before it needs to be removed.

The hormonal IUD thickens the mucus in the cervix, thins the lining of the uterus, and partially suppresses ovulation, per Mayo Clinic. "IUDs are the most reliable for period control," says Dr. Demosthenes. "But some people prefer to try Depo-Provera [because] the implant is more unpredictable with erratic spotting."

How soon will your period stop once you start using birth control?

With each kind of birth control comes a different timeline as to when you should expect to see changes in your period. But it all comes down to the individual and whether or not they're using their birth control correctly, says Dr. Shepherd.

If you use the shot, you may stop after one year. If you use the patch or take the pill, you could technically opt to continue taking birth control and skip your placebo pills or keep applying the patches to stop your period within that month. However, if you have an IUD or take the shot, that could take more time.

If you're skipping your period, you're also not likely to experience monthly PMS symptoms. "Many birth control methods help with these already, so if you’re not having your period, they may go away completely," explains Dr. Shepherd.

How does starting birth control during your period affect your cycle?

The short answer is: it doesn't. Even if you start taking birth control during the week of your period, it will not stop or alter your period in any way. That said, you can feel free to start taking your birth control right away.

Does birth control stop your period permanently?

Your birth control will not stop your period permanently. If you started taking birth control while you're on your period, it may stop temporarily. However, your cycle will resume once you stop taking birth control, says Dr. Demosthenes. With methods such as the shot, it can take up to a year for your period to return. Meanwhile, other forms of birth control may on take a few months.

"If you start birth control and you’re concerned that your period has stopped, speak to your doctor, who can rule out any underlying issues," says Dr. Shepherd. "Bottom line, birth control will not cause permanent changes to your cycle, these will be relieved once you discontinue use."

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