Tyler Perry exhibit opens at Tubman Museum to celebrate filmmaker, inspire youth

The Tubman Museum’s new exhibit on filmmaker and author Tyler Perry opened to the tune of lively music and fanfare in Macon last week.

The exhibit, which showcased awards Perry has won, baby photos, several videos and even clothes worn by Perry in his films, opened to the public Monday.

“Inspired is the word I would use, walking into the exhibit,” said Robert Boyd, the COO of Tyler Perry Studios at the event. “I think the exhibits speak to everyone, they speak of integrity, of hard work, of love. You can do anything if you put your mind to it.”

The grand opening Friday night featured a red carpet entrance, jazz music and a special preview of the exhibit that’s been in development for more than five years.

“My staff thought I was crazy when I said I was opening a Tyler Perry exhibit, but it’s happening tonight,” said Tubman executive director Harold Young. “It’s kind of surreal... I’m in the clouds right now.”

A portrait of Tyler Perry at the Tyler Perry exhibit in the Tubman Museum. The exhibit opened on Feb. 18th.
A portrait of Tyler Perry at the Tyler Perry exhibit in the Tubman Museum. The exhibit opened on Feb. 18th.

While Young never officially worked with Perry on the exhibit, curators from Perry’s studio helped select the pieces for the museum and complete the project. Visitors are greeted by a large display featuring a list of Perry’s work before they dive into a chronological look at his life.

“As we sat down and tried to figure out what was the best way to put it all in an exhibit, we wanted to go from the beginning,” Boyd said, referencing photos of Perry’s car. “For him to live in that car, and to be dedicated to his craft and not give up, that’s what we wanted to show.”

After visitors walk past photos of the car and Perry’s childhood, they’ll find clothes from one of Perry’s “Madea” films, a film set with couches to sit in and some of Perry’s awards in glass cases. One of Young’s favorite pieces comes at the end of the walk-through exhibit.

Robert Boyd, COO of Tyler Perry Studios speaks to the crowd about the Tyler Perry exhibit at the Tubman Museum. The exhibit opened on Feb. 18
Robert Boyd, COO of Tyler Perry Studios speaks to the crowd about the Tyler Perry exhibit at the Tubman Museum. The exhibit opened on Feb. 18

“The ‘Living the Dream’ segment is really crucial, because we want the exhibit to inspire people,” Young said. “In this exhibit they can actually write those dreams down and materialize them, which is great.”

“Living the Dream” features sheets of paper where guests write down dreams and aspirations before folding them into paper airplanes. The paper airplanes fit into holders on the wall and make a formation around a quote from Perry.

It’s clear the inspiration is a big piece of the exhibit for all involved. The opening of the display during Black History Month was no coincidence.

“Black History Month is one month, but we are who we are all year, all 365 days, so we want this to be here,” Boyd said of the exhibit, which will be at the Tubman through 2025. “This is a place where you don’t just come for Black History Month, you come every day to be inspired.”

The exhibit is included with standard tickets to the museum along with its other art and displays.

The Living the Dream installation at the Tyler Perry exhibit in the Tubman Museum. The exhibit opened on Feb. 18th.
The Living the Dream installation at the Tyler Perry exhibit in the Tubman Museum. The exhibit opened on Feb. 18th.
