Two Fort Worth restaurants closed for health code violations in latest inspections

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Two Fort Worth restaurants were closed for serious health code violations in the latest round of health inspections, according to data from the city compiled by the Star-Telegram.

Fort Worth health inspectors visited 87 restaurants from Aug. 14 to Sept. 3, with Raising Cane’s on Hulen Street and Angel’s Donuts, also on Hulen Street, both being closed by the city. Neither of them had a high number of health code violations, but each did have one violation that required closure until that violation was corrected.

Inspectors said Angel’s Donuts on Sept. 3 did not have enough hot water supply or capacity to safely operate and required the restaurant to close until the problem was fixed.

At Raising Cane’s on Aug. 31, inspectors said tools for measuring the temperature of sanitized utensils were not maintained.

In Fort Worth, restaurants are scored using demerits. The higher the score, the poorer the business performed in its health inspection. Any restaurant that scores 30 or higher is required to fix the most serious problems immediately and undergo a reinspection within 48 hours.

None of the restaurants inspected scored 30 or higher in the latest round of inspections.

Here are the inspection scores and violations for restaurants within the city limits of Fort Worth for Aug. 14th - Sept. 3rd, 2022. Scores are based on a demerit system. When the total exceeds 30, the restaurant must take immediate corrective action on all identified critical violations, then has 48 hours to initiate corrective action on all other violations. To search the restaurant inspections, type in a keyword or restaurant name. You can also sort by score.
