My Turn: How to have a thoughtful, affordable holiday

Nan Kirlin
Nan Kirlin

On your mark, get set, GO! That’s about how most of the folks I’ve spoken to feel about the Christmas season… tons to get done, places to be, decorating to happen, the list sometimes feels endless. Worrying about what didn’t get done, who will be disappointed or underwhelmed, activities from every aspect of your life that want your time and attention.

Wouldn’t it be great to just slow down and divorce ourselves from the material world and enjoy the time we can spend with friends and family? Well, that’s the way to a sustainable Christmas and holiday season. I want to offer some plausible ideas right now, before we all get crazy with gifting and buying. (We can blame the inflation rate on our new ways of thinking about holiday spending and then back into sustainable concepts.)

First thought, shop local. There will be holiday markets in Gaston County starting Friday, December 1st in Mount Holly and at the Gastonia Farmers Market , both Friday and Saturday at the Market. Two events happening on December 2, 2023 in Kings Mountain at the Joy Performance Center and Veronet with vendors and activities. Gastonia's Christmas in the City festivities will be prior to the annual Christmas Parade… vendors, crafts and gifts for all. Belmont will host their Christmas market at The Station on December 3rd, also artistic gifts, vendors, and festivities. On December 7th, you will have options: Cramerton, Cherryville and again back to Belmont, festivities and the chance to shop local, On December 9th, Lowell will host events at the McCord Family Park and Dallas will celebrate at the Dallas Park with their Historic Christmas Village, and last but not least, the Traust Brewery in Mt. Holly will offer a Plant Swap and Shop, just in time for you to provide a living gift for your loved ones.

Second, homemade gifts speak volumes as they tell the receiver that you chose to prepare this gift with time and talents and want to share that skill set with the recipient. It takes forethought and preparation, but the rewards are heartfelt. (And there is probably not enough time for most of us to knit that crazy sweater that someone’s aunt made them, *wink*). Creativity is not always required, either. Pinterest and other great internet sites can be inspirational and instructional. No need to recreate a wheel.

Third, rather than material presents, if you can, think about a family experience rather than individual gifts. Anything from a gift of babysitting while young parents enjoy an evening at the movies (with that gift card) to a family membership to the Schiele Museum or family pass to the US Whitewater Center or a family night at Kate’s Skating…just a way for families to spend quality time together. Think about good, old family board games as a long-lasting gift… Monopoly, Scrabble, Uno, combined with a jar of popping corn. Many evenings of fun gifted with a lot of returned joy.

Fourth, be sustainable as you host holiday gatherings… use real plates, utensils and napkins. I know I will be having folks in, and fortunately, my dishwasher is in fine shape, and is ready for the plates, cups or glasses and forks and spoons. My washing machine will happily launder napkins. And it means that I won’t have bags of trash to add to the Gaston County Landfill. A win on my part.

Fifth, trees… we are a real tree family, and having connections in Ashe County, North Carolina, known as the Christmas Tree Capital, we are believers in the real tree. Tree farms provide jobs and oxygen! A fresh cut tree, watered daily, can live until Valentine’s Day, and it the becomes just another plant in our home. You cannot beat the smell of a fresh tree and when it finally loses enough needles, we take our tree to the Yard Waste Facility on Philadelphia Church Road in Dallas to eventually become mulch that can be used to nurture our soils. Pretty sustainable, I’d say.

Nan Kirlin is the recycling coordinator for Gaston County.

This article originally appeared on The Gaston Gazette: My Turn: How to have a thoughtful, affordable holiday
