‘The Trust’ eliminations: Which of the 11 cast members were voted out and why?


Warning: Spoilers from "The Trust: A Game of Greed" below.

In Netflix’s newest reality competition show, “The Trust: A Game of Greed,” 11 strangers travel to a cliffside villa in a tropical location where they are immediately told they have won an equal share of $250,000.

The catch, as host Brooke Baldwin explains, is that they can choose to secretly vote each other out to increase their personal share of the cash prize during the Trust Ceremonies. All it takes is one vote for a person to go home. However, if there are an equal amount of votes cast on two different people, then the votes are canceled out.

Technically, no one has to be eliminated from the competition but a series of challenges and trips to a private vault cause doubt and paranoia to build in some contestants’ minds.

The Trust (Netflix)
The Trust (Netflix)

By the end of Episode One, released Jan. 10, there was already a divide in the house. On one side was a group of contestants who were working to eliminate players they don’t trust and on the other side was a team of players who wanted to keep the group united until the end.

The series premiere ended with Baldwin announcing to the group that the trust had been broken and one player was leaving the competition. Since then, viewers have watched the players continue to turn on each other and become more comfortable with cutting someone out of the trust.

In the penultimate episode, a sixth player was eliminated, which means now only five contestants remain leading into the finale, out Jan. 24.

Read on to find out who was cut from their share of $250,000 so far this season and why.

Juelz Morgan


Juelz placed a target on his back almost immediately after he met the rest of the contestants. He decided to lie about being a cop and instead told everyone that he was a stripper. Many of the contestants did not believe him, including a strong girls alliance consisting of Lindsey Anderson, Winnie Ilesso, Tolú Ekundare, Jay Patterson and Julie Theis.

When the group played a game where a series of anonymous statements were read, many thought that Juelz wasn’t being honest about his secret. At the end of the game, Juelz and Simone randomly chose cards that allowed them to enter a private vault and read two offers. They chose the offer that allowed them to add $5,000 to the pot, but they had to block two players’ votes. As one of the two contestants chosen, Tolú was hurt and further convinced that Juelz was untrustworthy.

So, Lindsey, Winnie, Tolú, Jay and Julie came up with a plan to vote off Juelz. He and the rest of the house were blindsided as he left the villa.

Simone Stewart


Following the shocking elimination, tensions were further heightened during a game in Episode Two.

Host Baldwin asked the contestants to rank themselves in multiple categories, including intelligence and trustworthiness.

Jake Chocolous placed himself at the front of the line, essentially making himself the leader of the group. Baldwin told Jake he had to rank his fellow contestants for the other categories. Jake organized the players so that most of the men were at the front of the line for categories like trustworthiness, and the women were at the end.

Jay and the rest of the women in the house were hurt by Jake’s actions and called him out in front of the entire group. Simone interjected to push back, saying that Jay didn’t speak for her.

Simone’s lack of support for the other women rubbed Jay the wrong way. So, Jay told her alliance that she would cast a vote during the next Trust Ceremony. She voted for Simone and Julie also cast a vote for Simone to prevent Jake from being at risk.

Bryce Lee


The truth game from Episode One continued to haunt Bryce Lee in the next few episodes.

He had lied to the group and said he was not the secret millionaire who was mentioned during the game. By Episode Four, the weight of his secret became unbearable.

Since no one was voted out at the third Trust Ceremony, Bryce thought that was a sign that the group fully trusted each other and would accept his millionaire status. He first confided in roommate Lindsey before publicly sharing his secret during the Episode Four group dinner.

While Julie’s body language made it clear that she was bothered by the announcement, the rest of the contestants said they assumed Bryce was wealthy and appreciated his honesty.

After dinner, Bryce made comments about feeling free to be his true self and no longer hide his designer shoes, irritating Winnie and Tolú. Then, Bryce told Tolú that he was a self-made millionaire before revealing his mom built the real estate business that made him successful.

Meanwhile, Julie, who opened up repeatedly about her rough childhood and financial struggles, said in her confessional that Bryce didn’t deserve the prize money due to his privilege. She also secretly accepted an offer that guaranteed her $15,000 if she voted someone out at the next Trust Ceremony.

Tolú, Julie, Winnie and Lindsey all voted Bryce out of the game while Jay told Baldwin that she couldn’t say his name.

Before he left, Bryce asked the group if anyone would admit they betrayed him, but no one spoke up.

Jay Patterson


Following Bryce’s departure, cracks in the women’s alliance grew deeper. Julie’s feelings for Jake became stronger, pushing her further away from Winnie and Tolú. Lindsey convinced herself that her alliance would eventually turn on her, so she jumped ship and joined the boys’ alliance. She secretly blew out Winnie’s candle during a game when each player anonymously selected another as the person who “has been telling the most lies.”

Winnie, Tolú and Jay’s suspicions that Lindsey was untrustworthy were proven to be true during the group poker game. Each player was awarded poker chips every time another player chose them for categories like “the life of the party.” When Jake and Gaspare Andazzo both selected Lindsey as their “most trusted ally,” red flags were raised. Winnie, Tolú and Jay realized that their alliance had dwindled to three, leaving them out of the majority.

At the end of the game, Jay was given a card to the vault since she received the fewest chips. There, Baldwin presented Jay with an irresistible offer: $25,000 from the prize pot if she left the game.

“And I will take that,” Jay said almost instantly to a surprised Baldwin. “Just give me that $25,000 and I am out of here!”

Jay explained that it wasn’t a difficult decision because her game was in jeopardy after Lindsey “played” her.

“My two true friends were Winnie and Tolú. They were the only two that, at the end, had my back. And I had their back,” Jay said in her final confessional. She wished them good luck.

She also had a message for Lindsey: “Well played.”

Winnie Ilesso


With Jay gone, that meant only two ladies remained in the original girls’ alliance. The boys labeled Winnie as the mastermind behind the previous eliminations and decided to target her next.

They knew they already had Julie and Lindsey on their side. The morning before the poker game Julie, Winnie and Tolú had a major blowup. There was a falling out with Linsdey, too.

After Lindsey, Jake and Gaspare blew out Winnie’s candle during the previous test, Winnie was determined to be the player who told the most lies. So, Baldwin secretly handed her a card to the vault.

In the vault, Baldwin explained that if Winnie opened the offer she had to take it. Winnie accepted and learned that $20,000 from the trust would be given to her unless no one was voted out at the next Trust Ceremony. If everyone was safe, then Winnie would go home and leave with nothing.

Winnie shared the news with Tolú and Julie. She told them that they had no choice but to vote out one of the guys. Julie wasn’t on board and said the situation was “mean.” Julie left the room and said in her confessional interview what she felt like Winnie was trying to “control” her.

After the poker game, Lindsey tried to continue playing both sides and went to Winnie and Tolu’s room to explain herself. They told Lindsey she could not come in. She returned to the boys and immediately told them about the icy interaction.

When Baldwin announced to the group that Jay left the show, Winnie and Tolú started to panic. In her last attempt to stay before the Trust Ceremony, Winnie called Lindsey out in front of everyone for being “the biggest snake” in the house and controlling all of the eliminations.

But her grand speech didn’t work. Brian Firebaugh, Gaspare, Jake and Lindsey all cast votes to send Winnie home.

Lindsey Anderson


Even though she survived the Trust Ceremony, Lindsey was fired up. She joined the boys during their morning chat  the next day and scolded them out for accidentally revealing her to be a double agent.

“You guys outed your spy and it sucks!” she said as she berated them. She made them agree to get rid of Tolú next to prove their loyalty.

But in his confessional interview Brian seemed uncertain about his alliance with Lindsey. “Lindsey is just so unhinged at this moment of time,” he said. “She’s all pissed off and mad at everyone, evidently. I don’t understand this.”

He called her “paranoid” and later described her as “volatile” when discussing her actions with Gaspare.

In Episode Seven, the group joined Baldwin for their next test. The host said she had envelopes that contained all the votes the remaining players had cast throughout the game. If every player revealed their votes, they would add $60,000 to the trust.

When it was Lindsey’s turn, she showed her card to the group, confirming she cast votes for Juelz, Bryce and Winnie. She defended her decisions, explaining that the boys didn’t ask her about her votes so technically she didn’t lie.

Brian disagreed. “You have lied. Lies of omission are still lies,” he told the cameras in his confessional.

Her relationship with the boys was fragile going into the next Trust Ceremony. Lindsey further alienated herself when she refused to accept Tolú’s olive branch before they all voted. She also shut down Brian’s attempt to mend her feud with Tolú.

During the Trust Ceremony, Tolú and Lindsey voted for each other. Gaspare also secretly decided to eliminate Lindsey, sending her home. “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know,” he said. “We know what Tolú is. We don’t know what Lindsey is. She’s a complete wild card and a mystery to us.”

Lindsey was stunned by the results and hugged all the players before she left.

And the winner is...

Who won "The Trust"? Only five contestants of the original 11 remained at the start of the finale.

Baldwin gathered the cast and revealed that the prize pot was $268,000, meaning that each finalist would receive $53,600.

There was one final twist. Baldwin said each of the contestants would visit the vault for the last time. They would all face one tempting offer that could impact the end of the game.

Inside the vault, each player read an offer that said, “Name an amount up to $25,000 that you’d like to take from the trust. If you bid the highest number, it’s yours to keep.”

Only Julie and Tolú seemed genuinely torn and spent time contemplating their decision. While Julie declined, Tolú accepted, dropping the prize pot to $243,000.

On the final day, the contestants returned to the cliffside and had to reveal in front of everyone if they wanted to share the money or eliminate someone.

Each player — Tolú, Julie, Brian, Gaspare and Jake — chose to share the money.

Since Tolú, Julie and Brian accepted previous offers, they received more money in addition to the $48,600 for each player.

The final five popped champagne and toasted to their money and the trust they built between them as the finale ended.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
