Trump is aging. He repeats falsehoods and uses threats. He should follow Biden out.
President Joe Biden alarmed many with his difficulty being coherent during the debate with former President Donald Trump in June. He fumbled for words. The reaction to his performance led many in the Democratic Party to call for him to give up his campaign for re-election to the presidency and, under growing pressure, that's exactly what he did do (“Biden drops out of election,” July 22).
That leaves us with the other participant of the debate. Trump also has difficulty speaking and doesn't know when to shut up, usually against his own best interests. He has shown repeatedly that he cannot answer direct questions which might cast him in an unfavorable light. He repeats words and phrases that have been proven to be falsehoods. He uses threats and bullying and demeaning language when talking about anyone who dares to disagree with him.
This is scary stuff. Project 2025 spells out second Trump term in alarming detail.
Trump calls Milwaukee horrible: You don't have to like Trump to see view supported by facts
Please think seriously about the words of the candidates who seek our votes, including whichever candidate the Democrats field for the November election. Our democracy was formed from words expressing the desire of our founders to reject tyranny. They spent a considerable amount of time choosing the correct words.
Please spend at least a few minutes of your time analyzing the words of the people who seek to control our country.
Roberta Mundschau, Waukesha
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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Now that Joe Biden has stepped aside Donald Trump should do the same.