I tried the new MINDZERO sauna in Myrtle Beach and its unique treatments. Here’s what it was like

55 degrees: colder than Myrtle Beach’s waters in January.

185 degrees: hotter than the interior temperature of a cooked turkey. I survived both during my visit to MINDZERO, a sauna and cold plunge experience in Myrtle Beach.

The 50 minute-long session, aimed to reduce stress, consists of two trips in the sauna, two trips in the cold plunge, and a relaxation session at the end.

MINDZERO (also written MINDZERØ) started in October 2021 with sauna pop ups in the Myrtle Beach State Park, then opened its first physical location in December 2022. MINDZERO welcomed close to 90 members in its first month and hopes to open studios across the country.

What are the effects?

The goal is “to bring your mind to zero by exposing your body to extreme conditions,” according to the opening audio.

“While our members have reported to us that they’re getting physical benefits, we’re really focused on mental health,” said Alexis Cohen, manager at MINDZERO.

My fellow participants said they experienced wellness effects, as many have found in Russian banyas and Turkish hammams.

Going from hot to cold is common, but “there hasn’t been great data on it’s validity,” writes University of South Carolina exercise science professor Katie Hirsch. “But in sport you always have to consider the psychological effects ... if they find that practice to be relaxing, then it can be effective.”

What was it like?

Visitors to MindZero (including the author in the foreground) practice breathing exercises in the 185 degree sauna. The MINDZERO sauna and cold plunge experience is located across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.
Visitors to MindZero (including the author in the foreground) practice breathing exercises in the 185 degree sauna. The MINDZERO sauna and cold plunge experience is located across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.

At my 8 a.m. session, the six other participants and I walked single file past the cold plunge pool, foreshadowing our future. But first, we entered the 185 degree sauna. Through the overhead speakers, the MINDZERO founder guided us through breathing exercises. I covered my nose and mouth to protect my sinuses from the hot, dry air. I soon felt sweat dripping down my arms and face, but I had no recollection of starting to perspire.

Participants do breathing exercises before entering MINDZERO’s cold pool. The MINDZERO sauna and cold plunge experience is located across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.
Participants do breathing exercises before entering MINDZERO’s cold pool. The MINDZERO sauna and cold plunge experience is located across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.

After 10 minutes in the sauna, we exited for a short spray down in warm showers and lined around the pool. The disembodied voice told us it was time to see what our bodies were made of. We were guided to take three deep breaths and then all of us stepped into the ice bath at the same time.

The author spends two minutes shoulder deep in 55 degree water. The MINDZERO sauna and cold plunge experience is located across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.
The author spends two minutes shoulder deep in 55 degree water. The MINDZERO sauna and cold plunge experience is located across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.

At this point, I started hyperventilating and shaking in the 55 degree water. All the other participants in my session had done this before, and many dunked their heads underwater and looked relaxed. I, on the other hand, struggled to follow the breathing patterns because of my violent shaking. My neighbor grabbed my hand (participants are encouraged to feel the warmth of others by clasping hands), and I was eventually able to take deep breaths and reduce the shaking. However, when the two minutes were up, I didn’t hesitate to leave the pool.

My second time in the sauna was less intense, since I was coming out of the cold pool, and I was able to relax a bit. I found myself more anxious for my second time in the pool, and I stayed as still as I could in the water, trying not to shiver.

Thankfully, I was able to warm back up during the final relaxation stage, which can take place in a meditation room or the sauna. On that day, we went back to the heat, where a MINDZERO founder gave a recorded motivational talk over the speakers.

What do participants say?

MINDZERO participants spend two minutes shoulder deep in 55 degree water, after 10 minutes in the 185 degree sauna. The MINDZERO sauna and cold plunge experience is located across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.
MINDZERO participants spend two minutes shoulder deep in 55 degree water, after 10 minutes in the 185 degree sauna. The MINDZERO sauna and cold plunge experience is located across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.

This was Casey Whalen’s fourth MINDZERO session. Before each session, Whalen feels nervous and excited. “When it’s time to get into the pool, it’s like, you’re a little nervous, but in a good way, because it’s like I know I have to do this and I’m here, I showed up, Whalen said”

After a MINDZERO session, Whalen said she feels more prepared for her high stress job as a project manager. “I feel like the days that I come here, I’m so much more zen internally and not much gets to me.”

Matthew Fisher was quick to submerge his head in the icy cold water. He has been to MINDZERO 11 times to experience “just the shock on the body, just to show the body what it can do.”

For me, afterward, I felt similar to when I did an early morning exercise class. I was physically tired from the exertion and my mind was clearer. I’d recommend MINDZERO to someone who enjoys Tough Mudders or meditation retreats.

Exterior of MINDZERO, a sauna and cold plunge experience. The building is located in the shopping center with Big Air Trampoline Park and Food Lion, across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.
Exterior of MINDZERO, a sauna and cold plunge experience. The building is located in the shopping center with Big Air Trampoline Park and Food Lion, across the road from the Myrtle Beach State Park. January 6, 2022.


  • Location: 3848 South Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach

  • Schedule: 50 minute sessions in the morning and evening

  • $59 for a single session up to $219 for an unlimited monthly pass, with half off your first session

  • Individuals with heart conditions or epilepsy should check with their doctors first

  • MINDZERO’s grand opening party will be Saturday, January 28 from 1-4 p.m. at the studio. More details on the MINDZERO Facebook page.
