I Tried 6 Flavors of Ghost Energy Drink, and Here Are My Caffeine-Induced Thoughts

Ghost Energy
Ghost Energy

Ghost Drink Debate

The energy drink realm is a weird one, and the ever-growing Ghost Energy brand is here to make it weirder. Armed with its own original flavors as well as partnerships with brands like Swedish Fish and Sour Patch Kids, Ghost has made an impression.

As is the trend these days, Ghost’s energy drinks are low-calorie, gluten-free, sugar-free, lacking in artificial colors, and made with natural caffeine. Are they worth it? Do they stand up to titans like Red Bull? I tried six Ghost drink cans, and here are my findings.

Related: 7 Red Bull Flavors Gave Me Wings and Made Me Flippin’ Invincible

Ghost Energy
Ghost Energy

Best: Redberry Sour Patch Kids

$26.78 for a 12-pack from Amazon

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Wow. I'm stunned. This tastes EXACTLY like red Sour Patch Kids — which, as we all know, is the best flavor. As such, the Sour Patch Redberry is the best Ghost Energy drink. It’s just ... good. I like it. I'm a lover of Sour Patch Kids, and I honestly expected to hate this. And it's zero-sugar? Only five calories? Is this the flippin' Twilight Zone? None of this makes a lick of sense. I'll be damned.

Related: 20 Ways To Caffeinate Yourself From the 7 Brew Secret Menu

Ghost Energy
Ghost Energy

2. Sour Watermelon Warheads

$26.78 for a 12-pack from Amazon

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Yep, this is a blast of nostalgia. I used to have a legitimate problem when it came to Warheads. I was like one of those cereal mascots from the '90s who was addicted to the cereal they sold. I'd eat a bag in the afternoon, burn the living bajeezus out of my mouth, and fully ruin my dinner. None of that mattered to me.

Here’s my point: This tastes just like a Warhead, but it’s not too sour that it will ruin your mouth. I suppose that makes this a win-win?

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Ghost Energy
Ghost Energy

3. Swedish Fish

$26.99 for a 12-pack from Amazon

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This is kind of like Swedish Fish, but I'm not going to dock points for missing the mark a little bit. Because really, who wants liquid Swedish Fish? Like the Orange Cream, this hangs around the sweet side but is perfectly drinkable.

By the way, have you ever checked out the Swedish Fish Instagram account? It's insane.

Ghost Energy
Ghost Energy

4. Orange Cream

$26.99 for a 12-pack from Amazon

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It's creamsicle town over here. This is a polarizing flavor combo, and truth be told, I don't know where I stand. It's sweet as all hell, but at the end of the day, still drinkable if you really need a boost of energy.

Another thing worth mentioning is that these cans are all textured. There are grooves and divots all over them. It’s weird.

Ghost Energy
Ghost Energy

5. Tropical Mango

$26.89 for a 12-pack from Amazon

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Mango is so tough. It’s just one of those flavors that never fully translates. I love fresh mango, but the artificial sweetener here takes the mango flavor to a dark place. I’m leaving this one on the shelf the next time I pass it.

Ghost Energy
Ghost Energy

6. Blue Raspberry Sour Patch Kids

$26.78 for a 12-pack from Amazon

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Launched around 2013, the blue Sour Patch Kids is a relative newcomer to the rest of the squad. It took me a long time to admit I liked this flavor, but unfortunately for Ghost, the drink tastes nothing like it. It's just ... blue. Sweet, stevia-soaked blue. I’m not into it.
