Tri-City Herald letter writers support candidates Doug White, Judge Rodriguez and Jan Corn

White shows his core principles

I consider character the most important attribute when deciding whom I’ll vote for in the coming 2022 Election, Dan Newhouse or Doug White. I rate Doug White far and away the better candidate on this metric.

Doug has a core set of principles that guide his life and the decisions he makes. He is courageous, stays strong in the face of adversity, conveys strength and resolve, and inspires others. He has the maturity and confidence to seek different viewpoints, to learn from his mistakes, accept blame, and share the credit for success with others. Read his bio at

In my opinion, Dan Newhouse doesn’t measure up on any of these facets of character. His decisions are dictated by his party caucus, and his big-money donors. Only when he voted to impeach the former president did he vote his conscience. He’s been apologizing for it ever since. He wants voters to forget his vote and re-elect him.

But Newhouse is out of touch with voters, because unlike Doug White, he refuses to hold town halls or even to debate. Meanwhile, Doug has been up and down the district hearing from voters.

Vote Doug White!

Richard Badalamente, Richland

3 reasons not to send GOP to D.C.

There are three reasons why we should not send Republicans to national office.

1. The Republican Party is fiscally irresponsible. They will not raise taxes for any reason. Our infrastructure is deteriorating because they won’t raise taxes. They have started three wars, costing trillions of dollars and no tax increase. They have enacted major tax cuts instead. Tax cuts and wars have added a major portion of debt into the national debt. How is that being fiscally responsible?

2 The Republican Party has no healthcare plan at all. For six years, they promised to repeal and replace “Obama care.” Come the first day of Donald Trump, no healthcare plan and no interesting tidbits that would raise interest in supporting the new Republican plan, nothing. We are on our own as far as Republicans and healthcare go.

3) The Republican Party neglected this country when the pandemic first came onshore. They should have led the way to contain the virus, quickly delivered equipment to where it was needed and educated the public. Instead, they downplayed the virus, held public rallies and refused to wear masks. The virus spread uncontrolled, leaving the states to fend for themselves. They inflicted great harm on this country.

Don Sebelien, Pasco

Plenty to settle in 2022 election

As the election is here, I wonder how the parties are planning to hold the Republic?

The Dems come to mind first. They won the election of 2020. That is a great first start. Solid win with most of the electorate, about 81 million as I recall.

The second was an insurrection committed by some stupid Trump supporters or/and FBI instigators. In order to lengthen this into an impeachment, a Jan. 6 committee and early morning raid. No one knows how much longer?

The last began with a pandemic: masks, lockdowns and injections. Followed with the giving of trillions to Dem pet projects. Followed by inflation. Then a call to destroy the extreme MAGA.

The Republicans lost the election of 2020. Claims of being stolen, rigged and bought hasn’t made for much assurance. Unless the media, the tech companies and the billionaires conspired to make this happen? Sounds like another investigation. We need leaders not wafflers. Close the border. Destroy the fentanyl and sex trade. Settle why we have a Supreme Court. Get our national defense in upgrade mode rather than waiting .... Or a nuke to blow us away.

James Schueler, Kennewick

Retired judge picks Rodriguez

A highlight of my 23 years as a Benton-Franklin Counties Superior Court judge was administering the oath of attorney to Norma Rodriguez 30 years ago. I remember thinking then that she was going to be a great addition to the bar. Now, 30 years later, after a distinguished career building a very successful law practice, helping thousands of clients, leading efforts to expand access to justice through our local legal aid program, providing continuing education programs to colleagues in the bar and raising a beautiful family, she represents a stellar addition to our Superior Court as Judge Norma Rodriguez.

No one in our legal community is better suited to serve on the bench than Judge Rodriguez. In every instance over the many years that we have worked together, she has exhibited the highest standards of fairness, diligence, thoughtfulness, wisdom, intelligence, compassion, judgment, integrity, courtesy, professionalism and the unwavering application of the rule of law — qualities that are essential to being a good judge.

Judge Rodriguez has both the head and heart to be an outstanding judge who brings great benefit to the court and the community she serves. I encourage voters to join me in voting for Judge Norma Rodriguez.

Dennis D. Yule, Benton Franklin Counties Superior Court Judge (retired), Prosser

White only choice to Rep. Newhouse

Rep. Dan Newhouse created a furor locally when he voted to impeach Trump over his actions leading to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol Building. The “Never Newhouse” faction was born in the local Benton and Franklin County GOP organizations.

The primary brought out a gaggle of GOP candidates trying to oust Newhouse. Predictably, the large number of Republicans challenging Newhouse diluted the strength of the movement and Newhouse made it into the general election with little to spare.

What will the “Never Newhouse” folks do now in the upcoming general election? Do they have the guts to do what needs to be done to get rid of Newhouse? He is the last one standing among the 10 Republicans who voted for impeachment.

As hard as it may be, the only sure way to vote Dan Newhouse out of office is to vote for Doug White for Congress.

Sorry, but that’s just the reality of the situation. Come back better in 2024.

Richard Reuther, Kennewick

West Coast needs to go Republican

In looking, just California, Oregon and Washington Democrats and independents need to help out this election cycle by voting for Republicans like they did in the past: 1952 and 1956 Eisenhower; 1968, Nixon in California and Oregon; 1980 and 1984, Reagan; 1988, Bush by California and other states as well. Source: U.S. Archives Electoral College.

John Leland Noble, Kennewick

Elect Jan Corn to District 16 seat

I’m writing to support Jan Corn for 16th District state representative, Position 2. Jan is most qualified to represent the 16th District citizens in Olympia because she has first-hand experience with our issues and concerns.

Jan was a working mom and a successful small business owner for over 20 years. Jan has donated her time and talents to serve on the boards of several local nonprofits, including Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce and Community Council and as a volunteer for Blue Mountain Action Council, Providence St. Mary Medical Center and Walla Walla Community Hospice among others. Jan has been a member of Noon Rotary for 18 years, including a term as president.

Jan has worked hard and learned to listen. She will be an active and informed advocate for our businesses, families and communities.

The incumbent, Skyler Rude, has been a legislative assistant and state representative.

Jan is the most qualified because she has the most experience, a proven work ethic and a lifelong commitment to improving our communities. Please vote for Jan Corn.

Cecile Ervin, Walla Walla
