Tri-City Herald launches Edition — an interactive news product designed for digital


Good morning, and welcome to Edition by the Tri-City Herald.

This is the Herald’s new, daily digital product created to give you information you need to start your day, every day, in an innovative, reader-friendly format that makes it easier to find what you are looking for.

We designed this new Edition with you in mind, with curated Tri-Cities and Mid-Columbia news coverage and other hand-picked, interactive content all in one place.

Here are some of the highlights and new features:

  • Articles that include links to other stories and additional information, giving you the opportunity to dig deeper and learn more.

  • Strong visual journalism, including storytelling videos, stunning photo galleries and interactive graphics that enrich your reading experience.

  • Interactive puzzles and games that allow you to play digitally. (And you can still print out your puzzles, if you would rather do them that way!)

  • Enhanced features that make it easier to share your favorite articles with family and friends.

  • Bold design and intuitive navigation that gives you a pleasing reading experience on all devices - desktop computer, laptop, phone and tablet.

  • Access to content even when you’re not connected to the internet.

Subscribers can access Edition in two ways. It arrives each morning in your email inbox or you can click on the link in the upper left corner of our website homepage at

We encourage you to use Edition every morning, and supplement your information needs by visiting throughout the day to get the latest news.

You can also sign up for our email newsletters available to you as a Herald subscriber.

Our goal is to provide strong, independent and essential local news coverage daily, on multiple platforms, to Herald subscribers like you. We are excited to introduce Edition as the latest effort to meet that goal.

It’s part of our commitment to serve the Tri-Cities region of southeast Washington, where we date back more than 100 years to the founding of the Pasco Herald.

This is my 40th year with the Tri-City Herald and in that time there have been many fundamental changes in the way we deliver your news. But what hasn’t changed is our award-winning news staff’s endless dedication and drive to report what’s happening in our community.

As always, we thank you for your readership and support of the Herald. We couldn’t do it without you.

If you have questions or feedback about the Edition, please contact our Customer Care team or

If you’d like to see a live demonstration, visit us from 12:30-2:30 p.m. on May 14 at the main Kennewick branch of the Mid-Columbia Libraries on Union Street.

Herald employees will be on hand to show you our new Edition and answer questions about it.

And feel to reach out to suggest improvements and share your other ideas.

Laurie Williams, Editor
