What the Total Solar Eclipse Means for Your Zodiac Sign's Destiny

How the Total Solar Eclipse Affects Each Zodiac Sign

After nearly two weeks in the limbo zone, we're wrapping up eclipse season with a bang. This month's solar eclipse in Aries on Monday, April 8, 2024, marks the second in a series of eclipses, prompting us to reconsider who joins us in the next stage of our journey. Eclipses signify significant shifts in our soul's evolution and collective awakening. On the day of the eclipse, six celestial bodies will be in Aries: the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Chiron, and the North Node, placing our desires and egos in contrast with the universe's natural guidance. One thing's for sure – every zodiac sign is undergoing massive change during the total solar eclipse in Aries. That's why we asked professional astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim to explain everything you need to know before the main event.

Find your eclipse horoscope for your zodiac sign below. Read for both your sun sign and rising sign for the most accurate message.

When Is the Next Eclipse? 2024 Eclipse Season Dates

The next eclipse takes place on Monday, April 8, 2024, with the solar eclipse in Aries, closing out the cycle that began with the lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024.

What Do Solar Eclipses Mean in Astrology?

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves between the sun and the Earth, blocking the sun's light. Solar eclipses can only occur during the new moon, which marks the closing of one chapter in favor of starting anew. "Solar eclipses teach us to be vulnerable and candid with ourselves and others about our fears, doubts, and insecurities in order to attain inner peace," says Grim. During a solar eclipse, the sun, our heart's desire, and ego expression, is eclipsed by the moon, symbolizing our intuition and inner knowing. When these luminaires align, you can't ignore the twist of fate headed your way. The only way to deal with eclipse season is to embrace the unknown with an open mind and heart.

What to Expect From April's Solar Eclipse in Aries

Eclipses are famous for shaking things up out of the blue, catching us off guard. No matter how prepared we may think we are for eclipse season, the stars always have a surprise or two in store. It's all about becoming comfortable with discomfort and recognizing that progress often involves some degree of pain. This month's total solar eclipse serves as a stark reminder that sometimes, we're responsible for our own hurt feelings. "The total solar eclipse in Aries will compel us all to confront unhealed or unaddressed wounds, with the hope of achieving a greater sense of self-love and self-acceptance," explains Grim.

Aries season is typically a time of quick decisions and fast-paced action. However, this month, both Chiron and Mercury retrograde are playing key roles in the total solar eclipse in Aries. With the lunar nodes of fate aligning with our inner wounds and fostering a new way of communicating with one another, this month's eclipse is an invitation to open our hearts to others and find comfort in the fact that other people are also grappling with the same issues we are. There could be a collective sense of realization and relief regarding our need for independence versus our need for community during the eclipse.

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How Will the Total Solar Eclipse Affect Each Zodiac Sign?

This month's total solar eclipse is redirecting our focus to unhealed wounds that started emerging in February or March. "Back in late February, the Chiron-North Node conjunction in Aries set the conditions for people to experience fated breakthroughs. However, these wounds may have been deeply buried in the subconscious, which takes time to process," says Grim. He continues, explaining that this eclipse provides an opportunity to reset our sense of self in light of the challenges we've begun to address. Here's what you can expect your zodiac sign to experience in terms of healing changes during the eclipse.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries, something seems different about you! You're in the process of redefining yourself after purging some toxic relationships in March. The total solar eclipse is illuminating your sphere of self-confidence and personal growth, giving you a chance to make smarter choices for who you want to be in the future. "Aries will be in a reflective mood and will become more open about their insecurities, drawing in more supportive connections as a result," says Grim. Mercury retrograde is a great time to revisit the old beliefs you had about yourself and rewire the negative self-talk that got you here in the first place.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the total solar eclipse in Aries this month might bring forth a sudden wave of optimism, igniting a yearning for independence and freedom. Changes are happening quickly. You’re close to clearing away an obstacle that’s kept you feeling stuck. You might sense discomfort as you disrupt and dismantle some of the long-held beliefs and ideals that previously kept you on track. However, with the eclipse aligning with Mercury retrograde and Chiron, your subconscious urges you to acknowledge and address the imbalances within yourself to realign your spiritual core.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini will be making significant changes to the people they hang out with and the groups they associate with during this solar eclipse. Over the last few weeks, you've been mindful of who has access to your energy and how you invest your time in your non-romantic relationships. People you thought shared your interests may have merely been telling you what you wanted to hear. With Mercury retrograde aligning with the solar eclipse in Aries and Chiron, shocking information about someone you consider a close friend or a group you thought you belonged to could sever ties for good.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancers will be dealing with some subtle family challenges; however, you should really be prepared for some huge resets related to your career. "Some Cancers will either shift jobs entirely or find themselves on a new trajectory, hopefully for the better. The spiritual influence of this eclipse, combined with Chiron, could push them towards careers in health, wellness, therapy, or medicine," says Grim. Mercury retrograde also has you reconsidering how you're presenting yourself to the world and whether your skills are being utilized to their fullest potential. Don't be afraid to shake things up and start over!

RELATED: How to Build a Pinhole Camera to See the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Everything is falling into place for you under this solar eclipse in Aries, Leo. Even if you don’t have all the answers about what comes next, inspiration will guide you where you need to be. You can tend to be a bit of a control freak when it comes to details, but the astrology of April is reminding you that sometimes, stepping back into the role of a student can reveal hidden gems in a situation. However, be warned: if you believe you're too clever for your own good, or if you try to flaunt your knowledge without considering the consequences, you might find yourself being taught a lesson. Humility is crucial!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the message for you during this solar eclipse is clear: don’t compromise your standards in the hope that others will appreciate you more. You're gaining valuable insights into what it means to intertwine your life with someone else's—not just in terms of financial intimacy, but in sharing your entire existence. You're becoming wiser in selecting your allies after this eclipse. Pay attention to inconsistencies and information you may have missed the first time around, especially with Mercury retrograde aligned with the solar eclipse. While the truth may be painful, it'll provide the clarity you need.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libras are going to experience a complete metamorphosis of their significant relationships. The total solar eclipse in Aries is illuminating your sphere of intimate connections, sexual desire, and romantic commitments. "Libras are dealing with love coming back from the past. They might reconcile with an estranged ex, or they'll have the resilience to set a boundary with an ex," says Grim. But if you think you know who will come knocking at your door, think again! Mercury retrograde could really dig up some old drama you forgot about. The good news is this is your chance to resolve things this time around.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, April's solar eclipse in Aries offers you an opportunity to harmonize your daily routines and discover strength in the ordinary. Your mindfulness, planning, and structure are being put to the test this month. Not everything needs to be seen through a spiritual lens; sometimes, you overlook the magic right in front of you because you're too focused on the future. Mercury retrograde, combined with eclipse season, serves as a reminder that small daily efforts can lead to lasting change in your life. If you feel your momentum waning this month, remember: you haven't lost your magic, you've simply lost your focus.

RELATED: Your Eclipse Season Tarot Reading Brings a Cosmic Message of Healing.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, this eclipse allows you to follow your emotions in the right direction and listen to what your body tells you about what brings joy and pleasure to your life. If you've been feeling annoyed or unimpressed with your life lately, now is your chance to reconnect with spiritual practices that make you feel fantastically alive. One way to do this is to embrace and accept all sides of yourself, and stop trying to be a perfectly packaged person. Mercury retrograde alongside the eclipse serves as a reminder that life is meant to be lived, and part of that journey is embracing your flaws. Once you drop the pretense, you can connect with authentic creation and a new wavelength of self-expression.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're thinking about reshaping your home and family life to suit the stage of life you're transitioning into, Capricorn. With Mercury retrograde also influencing the total solar eclipse, there may be a flare-up of a long-standing conflict with a family member or friend that causes communication issues or misread intentions. You may need to step up and take on a leadership role when an external situation disrupts the family unit. Meanwhile, Chiron reminds you not to speak from a place of hurt when resolving issues with your loved ones. Whatever you do, keep your cool and be the bigger person!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, you're reconsidering how you make your presence known in local spheres of influence. Your outsider perspective offers an alternative view to the status quo, which can lead to much-needed change. With Mercury retrograde and Chiron in the mix, there's an opportunity to examine past mistakes and address current issues. It's a time for someone to step up and take leadership when others hesitate to act. Think about ways you can use your voice for good on behalf of others this month. The struggles you're championing might not be your own, but positive change will create a ripple effect that spreads far.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, you're questioning everything you thought you knew about what brings value to your life this month. The total eclipse in Aries will block out all distractions and force you to take a good hard look at where you're being frivolous with your resources and where you can take a more pragmatic approach toward investing in the future. If you tend to make decisions based on sentimentality and the heart, Mercury retrograde invites you to sit down and stick to the cold, hard facts. Where are the returns on your investments not making sense for you anymore? Pour back into the people who bring value to your life.

UP NEXT: The Best Self-Care Rituals for All the 2024 Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
