Tomo Marjanovic Discusses the Relationship Between Testosterone and Aging

Nobody likes getting older, but there may be a way to quell the negative effects of aging. That answer comes in the form of hormones.

According to Tomo Marjanovic, founder of Aspire Rejuvenation Clinic, aging can be an enjoyable process in spite of its challenges, and the secret lies in proper hormone management. He explains aging is associated with decreased levels of various hormones. One of them is testosterone, a hormone that plays a vital role in many aspects of our physiology and behavior.

Produced by the testes in men and the ovaries in women, testosterone plays an essential role in regulating energy levels, mood, sex drive, muscle mass, and bone density. As the person gets older, their body naturally produces less testosterone — a gradual decline that typically starts around age 30 and continues throughout a person’s life.

“By restoring balance to hormone levels, we help our patients feel younger and more energetic again,” says Tomo Marjanovic. “It’s not just about looking young and healthy, but also about feeling young and healthy!”

As an autodidact in endocrine health and hormone therapy and certified Advanced Bioidentical Hormone Therapy expert, Tomo Marjanovic made it his mission to show people that they can live a vibrant and fulfilling life, no matter their age. According to Marjanovic, every person in the world should be able to say that age is nothing but a number and actually feel that way.

“You know you’re getting older when your testosterone levels start to drop. Signs include increase in body fat and reduced muscle mass, all the way to fatigue decreased libido, and erectile dysfunction. In addition to these physical effects, low testosterone levels may also lead to cognitive changes such as difficulty concentrating, memory loss, and in some cases, even depression and anxiety,” says Tomo Marjanovic.

Tomo believes in empowering people to take control over their well-being and a strong advocate that health problems require solutions that are as natural as possible. This informs how Aspire Rejuvenation clinic treats their patients.

Through innovative programs that combine traditional medical evaluation with lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise modifications, they create treatment plans tailored specifically for each patient’s needs while ensuring safety and quality are top priorities.

To this end, Aspire Rejuvenation Clinic embraced using nothing but bio-identical hormones, which are structurally identical to the hormones naturally produced in the body.

The benefit of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), according to Tomo, is that it is created to mimic the hormones that our bodies naturally produce. This enables people to experience the advantages of hormone balance without suffering from the numerous side effects that typically come with still-commonly used synthetic hormones.

“Let’s take a person suffering from low testosterone as an example. If we give that person a synthetic testosterone supplement, it will work for some time,” says Tomo.

“However, the synthetic testosterone molecule is chemically altered to look not exactly like your own testosterone but just slightly different. Using the wrong key in a lock, no matter how similar to the original one, will eventually break the lock. That’s why by using hormones that are structurally identical to those naturally produced in the body, we can ensure a safe and natural approach to treating hormonal imbalances.”

At the end of the day, for Tomo Marjanovic, it’s all about helping people truly enjoy their lives no matter what age they are. By providing innovative solutions to hormone deficiency and aging-related issues that help patients feel like themselves again, he is one step closer to making sure that everyone can make the most out of their lives without worrying about age limitations.“It’s important for people to understand how aging affects their body chemistry so they can take control of their health before any damage is done. By understanding what’s happening with your hormones, you can make better decisions about diet and exercise that will help you stay healthy as you get older. All in all, aging doesn’t have to be such a dreaded process if we take the necessary steps to make it an enjoyable one,” says Marjanovic.

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

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