Time to Brine: 6 Pickle Recipes You Can Make at Home

Jars of pickled marinated cucumbers on rustic table

Pickle Power

Growing pickling cucumber plants is the easy part of creating your own pickles. Water the plants, nurture them to the best of your ability, and you're liable to end up with a plethora of cukes for your pickling pleasure. Finding the right recipe, on the other hand, can take some searching. Fret not, green thumbs, because we've rounded up some of the tastiest renditions.

Pickled cucumbers in glass jars and spices and vegetables for preparation of pickles on wooden background.

Killer Spicy Garlic Dill Pickles

The name of this recipe alone makes our mouths water. Thai red peppers bring a spicy heat to these pickles, which also highlight classic flavors like dill and garlic. When it comes to method, these punchy pickles are canned and preserved.

Recipe: Foodie Crush

Pickled Zucchini in a Mason Jar with Dill, Crushed Red Pepper and Garlic

Sweet and Spicy Pickles

Pickle novice, take heed — you won't need to fuss with canning these pickles yourself. Buy a jar of pickle slices, drain most of the liquid, and revamp them with some sugar, crushed red pepper flakes, pickled jalapenos, and garlic.

Recipe: It is a Keeper

Homemade Green Dill Pickles in a Bowl

Bread and Butter Pickles

Break out your canning equipment for this classic recipe. Sugar, apple cider vinegar, tumeric, mustard seed, and celery seed unite for a distinct flavor profile with sweet notes.

Recipe: Grow a Good Life

Fresh ripe organic vegetables at a local farmer's market in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.

Dill Pickles

If you're after a classic dill pickle recipe, this refrigerator pickle recipe taps all the staple ingredients: pickling spice, vinegar, salt, garlic, sugar, and — of course — dill.

Recipe: Kitchen Fun With My Three Sons

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Sliced pickled cucumbers in bowl from above on white background.

Crispy Sweet Pickles

This recipe offers up a cold-packed canned or water bath method, and serves up classic sweet pickles with a satisfying crunch.

Recipe: Binky's Culinary Carnival

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Natural pickles in jars sold at a farmer's market stand
Jessica Kopecky Design/istockphoto

Claussen Copycat Pickles

If Claussen pickles are up your alley, this copycat recipe promises a spot-on rendition. The flavor is important, but the slicing method is crucial. To achieve the most accurate mimic, slice the cukes lengthwise before transforming them into pickles.

Recipe: Foodie With Family
