'It was a tight game' - Guardiola on cup final defeat

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola gave some fairly short answers in his BBC One interview.

He was asked what he said to his players after a rare final defeat: "Congratulations to them on a fantastic season."

On what happened: "We lost the game. Congratulations to United. It was a tight game.

"It can happen. Many things. At the end they scored two goals and we couldn’t score more."

Before the game he said if they were going to lose he wanted them to stick to their style and be beaten by a better team. Did that happen? "No"

So he doesn't think United were the better team? "No.

"The second half we were there all the game. Manchester United are always a transition team. First half we struggled a bit but second half we were better. In general it as a good performance for a final."
