Tiger Woods’ First Girlfriend Reveals How He Broke Up With Her

Tiger Woods in the final round of The Masters.
Tiger Woods in the final round of The Masters.

Tiger Woods’ dating history is back in the news cycle this week, as the legendary golfer’s ex-mistress, Rachel Uchitel, spoke with the New York Times.

Uchitel, an ex-nightclub manager, spoke with the New York Times about the N.D.A she signed with Woods following the cheating scandal.

“I’m not an idiot, I’m not a hooker, I’m not a prostitute. I was and am a very smart girl and that’s why I negotiated $8 million, because I knew it was going to affect my life,” Uchitel declared of the NDA she signed with Woods.

Woods’ dating history was on display in HBO’s two-part “Tiger” documentary, as well. In the documentary, we learned some telling details on Woods’ teenage years.

As recently noted by Larry Brown Sports, Woods broke up with his first girlfriend, Dina Gravell, with a letter.

Tiger and Dina began dating in high school. They dated for three years, but the relationship was broken off when Tiger returned from college and lied to his parents. Tiger had allegedly returned home from college a day early, but spent the night at Dina’s house rather than going to his parents.

When Tiger’s parents found out, they were furious. They reportedly threatened to kick Woods out of the house. Tiger ended up sending a letter to Dina:

“Dina, the reason for writing this letter is to inform you my parents and myself never want to talk or hear from you again. Reflecting back over this relationship, I feel used and manipulated by you and your family. I hope the rest of your life runs well for you. I know this is sudden and a surprise. But it is, in my opinion, much warranted.


Woods has been groomed to be a golf superstar since he was a kid. Clearly, other aspects of his life have been greatly affected by that pursuit.

HBO’s two-part Tiger Woods documentary was released this past January. It can be viewed here.

The post Tiger Woods’ First Girlfriend Reveals How He Broke Up With Her appeared first on The Spun.
