UPDATE: Thunderstorms with quarter-sized hail and damaging winds Monday


On Monday at 8:34 p.m. the NWS Fort Worth TX issued an updated severe thunderstorm warning for Collin County.

Wind gusts of up to 60 mph and quarter-sized hail (1 inch) are expected.

"At 8:34 p.m., a severe thunderstorm was located over Wylie, moving north at 45 mph," states the NWS. "Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees."

The warning is for McKinney, Wylie, Sachse, Murphy, Royse City, Anna, Fairview, Princeton, Lucas, Melissa, Parker, Farmersville, Lowry Crossing, Merit, Lavon, St. Paul, Nevada, Blue Ridge, Josephine and New Hope.

The NWS comments, "For your protection get inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows."

This warning is in effect until 9 p.m.

How to react when facing a lightning hazard?

Lightning strikes the United States about 25 million times a year. Most of the strikes occur in the summer, killing 20 people each year, according to the NWS. Chance of lightning increases as a thunderstorm approaches and peaks when the storm is overhead. It diminishes as the storm moves away.

Here are suggestions for staying safe during a thunderstorm:

• To reduce the chance of being struck by lightning, when venturing outside, have a plan to get to a safer area.

• If the sky grows ominous and you hear thunder, seek out a safe place to take shelter.

• Once inside, abstain from touching corded phones, electrical devices, plumbing, and windows and doors.

• Wait for 30 minutes after the last lightning or thunder before going back out.

If finding indoor shelter is not an option:

• Steer clear of open fields, hilltops, or ridge tops.

• Keep a distance from tall, solitary trees or other elevated structures. When in a forest, stay in proximity to shorter tree groupings.

• If you are with a group, fan out to stop the current from transmitting between members.

• If you are camping in an open area, set up camp in a valley, ravine, or other low area. Remember, a tent offers no protection from lighting.

• Do not approach water, wet objects, or metal items. Although water and metal do not attract lightning, they conduct electricity effectively.

What steps to follow when driving in the rain?

• Switch on headlights — Even during daylight hours, using headlights can enhance visibility and signal your presence to other drivers.

• While on the road — Opt for the middle lanes and remain on higher ground. Rainwater tends to gather along the road edges.

• Steer clear of puddles — Driving into puddles or low areas of rainwater can cause vehicles to hydroplane or skid out of control.

• Do not follow large vehicles closely — Large vehicles like trucks or buses can create a spray of water that can reduce your visibility.

• Steer clear of flooded areas — When coming to a flooded road, turn around and head back. Flash flooding currents are strong and can sweep drivers off roadways. Driving through deep water can also affect a vehicle’s mechanical and electrical systems.

What is hydroplaning?

Hydroplaning is the term for when a vehicle begins sliding uncontrollably on wet roads.

This happens when water in front of the tire builds up faster than the vehicle’s weight can push water out of the way. The water pressure then causes the vehicle to rise and slide on a thin layer of water between the tires and the road, making the driver lose control. Hydroplaning is primarily caused by three factors:

1. Vehicle speed — When a vehicle’s speed increases, the tire-traction grip and ability to control the vehicle decreases. Drive at a reduced speed during wet weather.

2. Water depth — The deeper the water, the sooner a vehicle loses traction on the road. It doesn’t matter how deep the water is, even a thin layer can lead to hydroplaning.

3. Tire tread depth — Checking your tire tread before hitting the road is important, as low or no tread can lead to sliding.

In the event of your vehicle hydroplaning, here’s what to know:

• Ease off the accelerator — Step off the gas to slow down the vehicle until the tires find traction.

• Turn into the skid — Turning into the skid can help the vehicle’s tires realign to regain control.

• Make sure the tires reconnect with the road — During the skid, wait until the tires reconnect with the road and then gently straighten the wheels to regain control.

• Brake gently as needed — Brake normally if the vehicle has anti-lock brakes and pump brakes gently if in an older vehicle.

Source: The National Weather Service
