Your thoughts on Sunday's game

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We asked for your views on Sunday's match between Manchester United and Arsenal.

Here are some of your answers:

Manchester United fans

Andy: Wow! How was that 1-0? United awful, disjointed, disappointed - just three adjectives I can think of. Luckily I was watching on TV but imagine spending good money to watch this team. I’m sorry but don’t blame injuries. This team is poor and lack confidence, direction and consistency. Worst team ever and I started watching them in 1972.

Ramesh: Very poor performance by Manchester United. Sad to see this United team playing like school boys.

Moeed: Chaotic, disorganised, confused. Those words summed up Manchester United's team performance today, except for the likes of Garnacho, Diallo and Dalot. Those three weren't even exceptional, they just showed the standard which would probably be labelled as average in a side like Manchester City or Liverpool. Huge reset needed this summer immediately!

James: Manchester deserve to be where they are, best of the mid-table in the Premier League. They have not played well enough to deserve European football. There are six players who deserve to be in that dressing room, the rest belong in Sunday league.

Arsenal fans

James: Sub-par performance, not enjoyable in the slightest, but a win. Some lazy passes when they ought to be more smooth. Not a good United team so perhaps a missed opportunity for the goal difference. But we’ve taken it to the last day, which is the very least I could have asked for before kick off.

Martin: Very nervy and as sloppy as I've seen Arsenal all season but our defence came through again, and United didn't have the quality to hurt us. Feels bad to depend on Tottenham, but that's where we are. Just get that win against Everton and see what happens.

Peter: The worst I've seen Arsenal play this season. They struggled to put two passes together. We were lucky it was United we were playing.

David: Arsenal never really looked at it. They seemed nervous and very unlike the Arsenal we all know. The players seemed nervous and very unsettled. They knew a win would take it to the last day so I think it played on their minds.

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