Thomason, Basye have financial advantage as council election approaches

There's just over a month until the April 9 election in Sioux Falls, and the eight candidates for the city's four open council seats have filed a second campaign finance report, giving some insights into the financial support of those running.

Two of those races have already been decided, given that only one candidate filed to run in each of them — meaning their next month will look a lot different than candidates who still have to convince the city's voters that they're the best person for the job.

Candidates will have to file one more campaign finance report by April 4, just days before the election itself. But let's take a look at how candidates fundraised between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29.

At-Large C

Richard Thomason
Richard Thomason

Banker Richard Thomason added another $23,323 to his campaign committee as he makes a push for the seat that Councilor Alex Jensen is leaving after one term. Those donating to Thomason included MarketBeat CEO Matt Paulson, District 12 Rep. Greg Jamison and developer Craig Lloyd.

More: 8 people are running for Sioux Falls City Council: What to know

He spent $4,781.06 in the reporting cycle, mostly on advertising. Thomason has $28,678.43 remaining in his committee.

Jordan Deffenbaugh
Jordan Deffenbaugh

Community organizer Jordan Deffenbaugh filed a campaign finance disclosure report on both Feb. 5 and March 5. Between the two of them, he's brought in $2,880 in donations — nearly a third of it from unitemized contributions, which are under $100 — and spent $1,978.87, much of it on signs and merchandise. His campaign committee has $1,441.46 remaining.

Allison Renville
Allison Renville

Activist Allison Renville filed her first campaign finance report, showing $665 in donations, entirely in unitemized contributions. She's spent $655, primarily on event expenses and gas, leaving her with $10 in her committee.


Miranda Basye
Miranda Basye

Marketer Miranda Basye reported $2,342.35 in contributions in her run for the Northeast seat, where Councilor Pat Starr is term-limited. Donors included Sioux Falls Development Foundation CEO Bob Mundt.

More: 5 candidates enter race for two seats on Sioux Falls School District Board of Education

Basye reported spending $2,161.70 during the cycle, with all of it going to printing, leaving her with $5,661.87 in her campaign committee.

Neil Jeske
Neil Jeske

Businessman Neil Jeske's only income in his first campaign finance report was a $100 loan from Abundance Unlimited, LLC, a limited liability company that has him listed as its registered agent.

Jeske's finance report also showed $2,420.20 in donated goods and services from himself, which was also the amount he reported spending, largely on travel. This left him with $100 in his campaign committee.

In the report's final summary, however, Jeske appears to have also denoted that money as contributions to his campaign, something that City Clerk Jermery Washington said could have been a clerical error.

David Zokaites, a regular at City Council meetings who drew 1.9% of the vote in the 2022 mayoral election, reported raising $2,506 in his first campaign finance report — albeit almost entirely from himself. He spent it all as well, largely on advertising, leaving him with nothing in his campaign committee.


Jennifer Sigette
Jennifer Sigette

Non-profit leader Jennifer Sigette — who will serve in the Northwest seat after the filing deadline passed without another candidate entering the race — reported $550 in contributions and $313 in spending, leaving her with $7,428.31 in her campaign committee.


Ryan and Emily Spellerberg
Ryan and Emily Spellerberg

Banker Ryan Spellerberg will fill the council's Southwest seat, where he was the sole person to file for the race. He reported $2,150 in contributions, including $1,000 from Paulson, and spent $11.15 on event expenses. Spellerberg has $13,998.66 remaining in his campaign committee.

This article originally appeared on Sioux Falls Argus Leader: City council candidates file second round of campaign finance reports
