Things We Loved as Kids but Can Unfortunately No Longer Find

Tim Boyle/Getty Images
Tim Boyle/Getty Images

Oh, These Times They're Always Changing.

There's nothing like a nostalgia-packed AskReddit thread to take you back in a virtual time capsule to the days long since passed. Naturally, when you ask a bunch of online strangers to share insights on various things from their childhood that are no longer around, you're guaranteed to get widely different answers.

Maybe you connected with the bit about how there was a strange time in a land many many years ago when MTV would, in fact, actually play music videos. Or it could've been the other Redditor "appreciating" just how absolutely chaotic KB Toys was. There are many bases covered in this discussion.

Reddit screenshot about how people used to have to run to get the phone.

It Was A Different Time.

How many full-fledged wipeouts occurred for folks that were sprinting like crazy to answer those phones too? It was a contact sport back then.

Reddit screenshot about how cool spoons used to be packed into cereal boxes.

Those Spoons Were Actual Treasures.

You knew it was fixin' to be an especially good day if the universe showed up for you in such a way that you ended up with one of those awesome spoons that were buried in cereal boxes growing up.

Reddit screenshot about how MTV actually used to play music.

YouTube Had To Go And Ruin It All.

There are seemingly far too many options available nowadays. Kids these days will never know the struggle and just how real it was.

Reddit screenshot about the value of putting together photo albums.

What About An Album Of Selfies Though.

So, we don't need to store all of our photos in the "cloud" then. There are other options that you can quite literally feel with your own two hands.

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Reddit screenshot about how public phone booths are getting faded out.

A Nod From The Past.

Soon enough here we'll have aggressively "helpful" robots that are brimming with all kinds of well-articulated, Chat GPT-900-inspired jargon, and built-in touchscreen phones that will ensure that no human is without access to a phone and runs the risk of getting lost. Or, or maybe they'll lead as many humans astray as possible, and the great war between humans and robots will get fully underway.

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Reddit screenshot about how folks used to watch Saturday morning cartoons.

We Can Bring This Back.

Who says that Saturday morning cartoons aren't still on the table? We have the technology. And we have the cereal. And we can invest in cool toy spoons to bury in said cereal boxes to fully paint the vividly nostalgic picture.

Reddit screenshot about how Nickelodeon gameshows were wild.

Those Gameshows Took You For A Trip.

Gameshows were built different back then.

Reddit screenshot about how KB toys was totally chaotic.

KB Toys Was A Goldmine Of Chaos.

You really did never have any notion about what you were going to find buried within the deepest reaches of the ever chaotic KB Toys.

Reddit screenshot about how Toys 'r Us is still in Canada.

Ah, So It's Like That Canada?

Of course Canada is keeping the legacy alive. They were too kind to give it a rest.

Reddit screenshot about calling your friend's home at a later hour.

Better Make Sure Nobody Is Eavesdropping On The Other Line.

Yeah, you best believe that that call isn't coming in any time before 10:00.

Reddit screenshot about how Nickelodeon has gone downhill.

Nickelodeon Has Certainly Gone Through Its Ups And Downs.

Nickelodeon no doubt hit its various peak moments throughout the years. Can you remember your fondest Nickelodeon moment?

Reddit screenshot about nostalgic video game consoles.

Okay, Free Online Gaming Though.

Yeah, you know we're talking about the olden golden days when there's crazy talk about free online gaming from one of the O.G.'s that is the Sega Dreamcast.

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This article was originally published on Cheapism

Tim Boyle/Getty Images
Tim Boyle/Getty Images

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