Thank you, grandpa; Gen Z left struggling far worse than Baby Boomers ever have | Opinion

Boomers leaving the young with a mess

A recent writer seems surprised about a rise in depression and anxiety in young adults. For the first time in generations, young adults will be growing up poorer and with shorter life expectancies than their parents. At the same time, we have to deal with a world that previous generations have poisoned and cope with the rise of fascism in the U.S. and other parts of the world. To compound matters, the older adults usually offer patronizing platitudes at best or outright opposition to the youth in their struggle to make the world survivable.

It's great that optimists are "35% less likely to get heart disease." I wonder how much that stacks up against not being able to afford healthcare, that the water we drink is full of microplastics or that Republicans have made trying to have kids much more dangerous because they're outlawing reproductive healthcare. Adults are supposed to make the world a better place for their children. Did Millennials and Generation Z get that advantage?

Alaric Lurie, Delray Beach

More: Young adults face tougher times than their parents and grandparents.

More: Hey Gen Z, now isn't the time to be confused. It's either Biden or Trump, deal with it.

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Palm Beach Post readers think Boomers have left world messy for young
