Texas representative is first Black female Democrat to play in Congressional Baseball Game

Bill Clark

Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas became the first Black woman to play ball for the Democrats in the annual Congressional Baseball Game on Wednesday night.

Crockett said she was inspired to play in the game — even though practices are in the “wee hours of the morning” — after she spoke with her legislative counsel.

“We’ve got a historic number of women that are in Congress right now, and then when it comes to the Democratic side, even in my class, we have a historic number of Black women,” Crockett said. “For this to be truly a congressional game, we felt like it was really important to make the very-early-morning sacrifices.”

The GOP beat the Democrats 16-6 — its third straight victory. The bipartisan game is a tradition in Washington, dating to 1909, in which lawmakers play baseball to raise money for charity. This year’s proceeds will go toward the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington; Washington Nationals Philanthropies, the local Major League Baseball team's charity; and the Washington Literacy Center.

Former Rep. Mia Love of Utah, the first Black Republican woman elected to Congress, was the first Black woman to play in the game, in 2018. Crockett was the only woman to play on the Democrats’ side this year. Rep. Linda Sánchez of California was one of their coaches.

Crockett spoke about the importance of the bipartisan game when the country is grappling with divisive policies.

“It sends a signal that we are still making progress in this country and don’t give up on us. There are those of us that are constantly fighting to shatter the next glass ceiling,” Crockett said. “Hopefully it will be a vision of hope and inspiration for those that may feel as if they’re getting a little beat down right now.”

Crockett has represented Texas’ 30th Congressional District in the House since January. She previously served a term in the Texas House.
