Teen, 17, Dies After Suddently Collapsing During Choir Event


A 17-year-old teen unexpectedly died after he collapsed during his choir event in Naperville, Illinois, on Oct. 14.

Daniel Moshi, a senior at Leyden High School in District 212, was performing at the All State Honors Show Choir for the Illinois American Choral Directors Association at Naperville North High School when he became unconscious, NBC Chicago reports.

A young man with dark brown hair smiles in a portrait shot in front of the Chicago skyline. HE's wearing a white T-shirt under a red and orange striped button down. (Courtesy of Moshi family / WMAQ)
A young man with dark brown hair smiles in a portrait shot in front of the Chicago skyline. HE's wearing a white T-shirt under a red and orange striped button down. (Courtesy of Moshi family / WMAQ)

“I got the call from his teacher, musical teacher. And she said there’s an incident,” his father, Loden Moshi, told the outlet. “That he was singing his solo rehearsal and he collapsed. And now they’ve given him CPR and taken him to one hospital.”

Daniel's mother, Karolin, said when she dropped him off at school, he seemed normal. She also said that he gave her an update when he and the other students arrived at their choir show at the high school.

“He texted me, ‘Mom, I’m here’ at around five o’clock approximately,” she said. “I texted him, ‘I said everything good?’ I have his text. He said, ‘Yep, all good mom.’”

According to NBC Chicago, Naperville fire officials said they responded to the high school around 6:18 p.m. for an “unconscious” 17-year-old boy. Bystanders performed CPR on Daniel when they arrived. He was then taken to Edwards Medical Center, where he died.

a young man in a light pink shirt with a collar sings into a microphone. (Courtesy of Moshi family / NBC Chicago)
a young man in a light pink shirt with a collar sings into a microphone. (Courtesy of Moshi family / NBC Chicago)

A cause of death has not been released. The DuPage County coroner’s office is investigating the death, the outlet reports.

Daniel’s family said he had plans to attend college next year and had hopes of performing on Broadway.

Calling their son “honest, so pure” and “lovable,” Karolin said her son’s death is “hard. It’s not easy.”

“I don’t know how to explain it,” she added. “We were supposed to buy him a car. We’re actually doing his funeral. It’s not easy. It’s not easy for any parent to go through this because we still don’t have answers.”

Additionally, in a statement to NBC Chicago, a spokesperson for Leyden High School said that staff and students are grieving Daniel's death.

“We encourage anyone who is struggling to reach out to a trusted adult and our Student Services department is available to provide support,” the statement reads. “We are also asking everyone to look after each other during this difficult time.”

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
