Survivor 44 Recap: Best Laid Plans Will Go Astray — but Whose Plan Worked and Who Didn't Go 'Full Tilt Boogie'?

Chaos Kass would’ve loved this mess.

In Wednesday’s episode of Survivor, Jeff offered up the season’s biggest reward yet: an overnight stay at the Sanctuary, a taco fiesta (with margaritas!) and some highly coveted letters from home (and did I mention margaritas?). With the pressure turned on high, Frannie once again dominated her fellow castaways, pulling out her third individual win and (unfortunately) increasing the size of the already-sizable target on her back. But after a wild immunity challenge which had players squirming and worming their way through the sand with their hands and feet tied together, she couldn’t repeat her victory, as Puzzle Wonder Kid Carson swooped in to take the cake.

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And that’s when things got a little nutty. Plans on plans on plans began to unfold, and just when we thought they had figured it out, things changed… then changed again! Alliances shifted, then crumbled as former tribal lines finally began to blur. Let’s ride this rollercoaster together as we unpack the episode’s most pivotal highlights.

Survivor 44 Episode 10 Recap
Survivor 44 Episode 10 Recap


Jamie was smart enough to know she needed to tell the truth regarding her (fake) idol leaving the game. After all, even the mere suspicion of having an idol is often enough for people to want to vote you out. But when she finally gave reward losers Danny, Carson and Yam Yam the official scoop… NO ONE BELIEVED HER!

Is it really too much to fathom that the former Ratus were preparing themselves against a possible Knowledge Is Power play? I guess it sounds rather convenient that Kane walked down that cold and lonesome trail with Jamie’s (fake) idol in his pocket… but it was the truth! How hysterical was it that in a game of lies and deception, no one would believe little ray of sunshine Jamie in her most sincere and honest moment? Luckily for her, she was able to survive this Tribal Council, but how much longer will she be able to evade the vote?

PLAN NO. 1 | While Frannie was away, the mice began to play… and by that I mean they were plotting her timely demise. No one ever thought the twenty-something researcher from Minnesota would’ve turned out to be the challenge beast of the season, but here we are, so it’s no surprise that Danny, Yam Yam, Carson and Jamie want her gone. It’s the easiest pitch to make to the others, too! However, in Survivor, the obvious and easiest path isn’t always the right one.

PLAN NO. 2 | At the Sanctuary, Carolyn posed a big question to former Sokas Frannie and Heidi: “When are you ready to let go of Danny?” It was the right question at the right time. Both women seemed totally game to take out their (former?) alliance member. They knew he’s playing hard and knew it had to be a blindside, but was this Tribal the right time to take the shot? Carolyn’s plan included a split vote on Danny and Jaime, but as we saw just minutes later, not everyone was quite on board.

Survivor 44 Episode 10 Recap
Survivor 44 Episode 10 Recap

PLAN NO. 3 | When the tribe reunited at the beach, Carolyn couldn’t get Danny out of her mind. But when she told Lauren, Jamie and Frannie that she thought Heidi was lying about Danny’s escapades, Lauren suggested they vote Heidi instead. Carolyn pitched that curveball to Carson, and while he didn’t want to tarnish his relationship with her and he did want Heidi out, he didn’t seem certain that that was the way to go.

Only the Survivor Gods know just how many other plans didn’t make the edit, but from the looks of it, this strategy sesh’ seemed like one for the books.

THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN | When Tribal Council began, the vote still seemed up in the air. The Host With the Most turned into an island equivalent of Yoda, telling them that the only way to play Survivor is to go “full tilt boogie” every single second. That statement led to mass confusion, as everyone stared back at Jeff like deer caught in headlights. What was this “full tilt boogie” the wise one spoke of? A new advantage? An upcoming challenge? Nada. Apparently it’s “a state of mind,” according to Jeff, and really, I think we’re just going to have to take his word on this one.

Meanwhile, Jamie repeated her not-fake story about her very-fake idol. Crickets. No one — and I mean no one! — believed her for a millisecond. And that, my friends, is simply precious.

The comical charade came to a close, and when Probst called for idols and advantages, not a single peep was uttered. Heidi, Frannie and Carolyn followed through on Plan No. 37 (I’ve seriously lost track), but we all know what they say about the best laid plans. So who was ousted this time around? Challenge beast Frannie Marin. But hey, at least she was reunited with the super smiley Matt at Ponderosa and isn’t true love the real prize on Survivor? (Read our Q&A with Frannie here.)

Didn’t it seem like the perfect time to blindside Danny or was Frannie the right call? Go full tilt boogie in the comments below and let us know!  

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