Need summer arts, sports camps? Fresno Unified has free activities for kids. How to register

Looking for a place for your kids to play, including bowling, gymnastics or team sports? Hoping to explore 3D printing, robotic coding or drones? Interested in designing video games, starting a band or crafting dance and ethnic artwork?

The free Summer Enrichment Camp for Fresno Unified School District students opens for registration this week. This year, the district offers 17,000 spots in more than 100 summer camps.

All three sessions will be held in July, each lasting five days. Camps and activities have varying schedules, typically lasting from four hours to a full day. Summer camp catalogs in English, Spanish and Hmong are available online.

Camp registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to one camp per child, according to the district. Parents can select camps for their kids through the program website or through the link in a text message sent by the school district. A text confirmation with camp details will be sent upon successful registration.

The priority sign-up beginning May 13 is given to foster youth and English learners who meet the income eligibility requirements. General registration will open on May 16. Any TK-12 grades current students at Fresno Unified are eligible to participate.

The deadline to apply is May 24. If there are camps with vacancies after the deadline, students can register for an additional camp.

“This is our fourth year operating summer camps,” said Diana Diaz, the district’s director of communications. “What is new this year is we added more cultural camps.”

This summer, the cultural camps feature trips to the African American Museum, making banda, Hula & Hawaiian Studies, and learning about Hmong clothing and fashion from different time periods.

The program also provides transportation and meals. Buses will shuttle children from the seven high school bus hubs to the community-based sites for their camps. Bus schedules will soon be posted on the program website. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided at all camps, depending on the schedule and activities’ duration.
