Student studying abroad forms unlikely friendship with Italian nonna

An international student studying in Italy has struck up an unlikely bond with a local grandmother - known as a “nonna”.

Gheed Hussam, 22, travelled to Siena in July 2022 to complete a course in Italian as part of her degree.

To her great surprise, she left with an unlikely friend and an honorary grandmother.

Gheed met Italian nonna Nicoletta, who is in her 70s, during Palio, a horse race held twice a year in the city of Siena.

The two hit it off straight away and developed a close bond, with Nicoletta cooking homemade meals for Gheed, helping her with her Italian and even showing her around the city.

When Gheed’s month in Italy came to an end, she returned to her home in Abu Dhabi but despite the distance, the two kept in touch and Nicoletta has even been to visit her in the UAE.
